Mos Eisley Cantina v2 Assets

Releasing the source files for your mod or map? Post em' here. (Applies to both SWBF1 & SWBF2)

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Mos Eisley Cantina v2 Assets

Post by BF2-Master »

Hi everyone,

I have decided to leave SWBF modding. I've lost faith in the community recently, and lost interest in the games. My copies refuse to install and give me constant errors, which has destroyed Multiplayer and means if I mess up, I can't fix it. Add in the fact that I used up all of my Help tokens when I was a n00b modder, and now nobody gives the time of day to help me because they think I'm being a n00b - I don't blame them, I am a stupid n00b.

Anyway, the real reason I'm here to post is actually Good News, I am releasing the Cantina assets. I've given up on all hopes of completing the map in any way, shape, or form on my own - it'll come out like crap as is, and nobody will probably even download it. So, I'm putting the Assets up in the Release Assets area on one big condition:

Someone must finish the map. I'm asking that someone download the Assets and just put it together in a way where people will download it and be able to enjoy it.

All I want is One Map Completed, with or without help, that people will enjoy. I've been modding since 2006, and I'm mad that my attempts at modding have been for waste.

Thank you for reading this,
- BF2-Master, aka JVM
As Promoised, Here are the Assets:;1 ... einfo.html

* World
* Sides
* Common
* Addme
* Localize

MagnaGuard Staff by GT Conversion Pack Team
Characters/Story by Heero Kalsion and Tinyliljawa
Scatter Rifle by Skyhammer_216
Misc Jawa Stuff by Dan Boeing
Lightsaber Hilts by broken_hope and AceMastermind
Jawa skins by Droideka88
Misc other skins by Commander Fordo
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Jedi High Council
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Joined: Sat Jun 17, 2006 9:51 am
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Re: Mos Eisley Cantina v2 Assets

Post by Darth_Z13 »

The majority of this map is shipped assets isn't it...? :|