Linus wrote:
Teancum, I would love to be staff in this new Star Wars Knights of the old Republic Forum, since I am a very big fan of this game...
LOL! I assume there's now going to be a plethora of "can I moderate the new such and such forum" requests.
In terms of what new games to mod I think we ought to be looking at
new games. Getting in there early means that we'll be able to
dominate the modding of that game rather than simply playing catch up. Because of this I think we should be looking at some of the games due out in the new year. has produced a
"Coming In 2007" PC Games List (click the link) of nearly 100 games. Obviously this doesn't include any SW related games yet, however that doesn't mean that one won't be released, that's pretty much a definate. However we could look into modding other games to be (for example) Star Wars related, following the example of
First Strike and the BF2 / BF2142 mod. Obviously most of the games aren't applicable but some
are and could offer some great gaming experiences and mods. It maybe worth while thinking about the potential of some of these new games prior to release.