Alpha wrote:I'd like to see KotOR maps as well. If you want, Tean', I could make you one with variations of the Republic Trooper and Sith Troopers in the conversion pack. I'd like ot help see that wish come true.
I've got some Sith Trooper and Old Republic Trooper variations, they just aren't in the pack. They'll be in the source files however.
Commander_Fusion wrote:Personally I'd like more Clone Legions... *escapes mob* But yeah, if you have extra room for anything I'd like to see new clone legions, the 501st is starting to get boring
You guys really want them bad, don't you? Well, I can't promise anything, but I'll see what I can do. I should see just how many MB the legions are each.
Hmm... only 31.6mb -- that ain't so bad, the installer compresses it to about 1/4 of its normal size, ~8mb added to the download size per legion.
Schizo wrote:Classic Conquest actually like BF1. I'm kind of disappointed with it, to tell you the truth. No offense, but it doesn't really feel like BF1 at all. The units all have the same weapons as from BFII. A lot of the skins and models are different. The CPs are in different places. And so on. I'd like to see it as close to BF1 as possible. With the same skins/models, CP locations, the same exact weapons, no sprint feature, etc. I know I'm being a pain, but it's something I would really want to see done right. If you want, I can even make the sides and everything. Get them as close to BF1 as possible.
-_- was working on a BF1-specific side that had the original units and weapons, but I haven't heard anything about it in a few months. Which map puts CPs in the wrong spots? I suppose maybe the factions might be backwards, but I can fix that. If -_- isn't able to finish the side, I'm up for you taking it on Schizo.
Schizo wrote:One thing that has always bugged me, and still bugs me to this day, is the fact that the Rebels have the Republic gunship as their shuttle. I'd like to see the K-Wing. At least, in the custom space maps, like Space Polis Massa and such. I'd like that.
I could do that on Space Bespin, but all other GCW space maps that came with 1.7.5 are unsupported. They won't be uninstalled if you already have them installed, but they don't appear in 1.7.8 and above.
Schizo wrote:Prone. I know it'll never happen. I'm just mentioning it anyway, since I'd give anything to have it back.
I actually have the animations in-game, but the prone code itself is gone, so it replaces crouch. I thought about having specific units being able to use prone by replacing the crouch button. The anims revert to the crouch (for waist and below) when you walk, so I'd have to make it so you couldn't move. I had hoped for it too, but no such luck.
Elmo wrote:That is what i wanted also... dwarf spider droids and Huge interiors for capital ships and (if possible) for frigates. Thx Karnage for reminding me
The Dwarf Spider droid I'd love to see. I've seen some models, but with no animations. The huge interiors for capital ships don't appeal to me personally. I'd say you'd need at least 100 units/side in-game to come even close to making that work.
sawyerdk9 wrote:Source files that can be released to the public upon completion
Already going to happen. Just need to get a few more permissions.
Thundeforge wrote:Is it at all possible to make Jedi in Classic Conquest the same as they were in Battlefront 1? Like they exist, but the player can't use them
Actually going to do that in the end, but the jedi will keep their SWBF2 abilities. It's just that they won't be playable.