Youtube murdered the quallity, IMO, but it's still good. I'm going to upload it as a (Bootleg :p)DVD quallity download somewhere tomorrow. Post comments here and on Youtube .
Edit2: This is the revised version, I couldn't use all of the video footage because of Youtube's 5 minute limit, so here it is with effects and titles:;6234162;;/
Last edited by Fusion on Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Personally, I liked the other one better because it showed the different game modes (seeing what the pack had to offer finally pushed me to downloading the beta). This one just follows around a bunch of units. Yes, I'm glad to see that there are Greivous bodyguards with electrostaffs, but I don't need to watch one for half a minute to realize that. Also, there was a lot of panning scenes of BF1 maps. The name of the pack lets me know there are BF1 maps in it, and I think you emphasized it a bit too much in the video.
In other words, I feel this one:
-"Follows a character" for too long
-Doesn't advertise the new modes
-Has too much panning
On the other hand, I'm glad that it:
-Includes more with the original BF1 maps
-Shows the Grevious Bodyguard
-Has a cooler soundtrack
I had to show off Citadel in less than a minute, so the fastest way to do that without using a hero (which I saved for Harbor) was with a Magnaguard. I got shots of inside and outside, considering Freecam really tends to glitch up on that map and the halls would be much to small to go through without showing the area behind the buildings that you get to by wallhacking. I mentioned before, this would be showcasing the units and the maps themselves, also so I don't get a bunch of "OMGSZ yuo just recorded BF1 maps in BF1 and teh space maps in BF2, yuo r a liar!" so I needed some more of the newer units.
I understand and I imagine I'd probably make the same decisions as you if I were to make the movie. I was just stating how I liked how the last one said stuff like "Felucia Hunt!" "Space Muunlist" "Coruscant Streets" and stuff like that.
The Video is not bad.
In many Things I`m with Thunderforge.You are following the Character to long.That makes the Movie a little bit boring.The Beginning of the Rhen Var Harbor Scene is very good.You are showing the Area,the Hero and Action.Then you should make a Cut.Then the Next Battlefield and so on.
Your Intro is great---) Introducing most of the Battlefields
For me it`s not important to see a complete Map in the Movie.It would be better to Show all Units specially the Republic Commando and the New Heroes in short Action Scenes.The Battlefields should be mixed. Present the new Game Modes more.
Cool. Heh, I'm gonna also agree with Thunderforge. Too much following the character. Maybe instead of following the same character through the whole map, you could've switched through the characters a bit. But, I do understand that it's quite difficult to create a SWBF2 movie, so it's very good!
Dohnutt wrote:Now theres a great movie! And a great map too
Thanks. I've now officially created the big reveal for the <insert helper words here> secret map. It came out well, just waiting for Teancum to get back and to tell me when I should upload it
...and for the last time people, I'm not going to tell you what it is
Gahhh, im getting sick of the fantastical classical. (hey that rhymes! )
For the next soundtrack, could you use some rock music? It doesnt have to be loud AC/DC or something like that, but a "Fantasy Rock", like Bal-Sagoth or DragonForce...
JackSkratch wrote:Gahhh, im getting sick of the fantastical classical. (hey that rhymes! )
For the next soundtrack, could you use some rock music? It doesnt have to be loud AC/DC or something like that, but a "Fantasy Rock", like Bal-Sagoth or DragonForce...
Well, you're reeeeaaallllyyy not going to like the next one then
I just grab from my collection what suits the footage, that was the only video I had planned out.