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KOTOR Remake
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:35 pm
by Kingpin
Remember that Project Apeiron? The one that was a remake of KOTOR I in Unreal4?
Well, they just dropped some video footage, and it's looking stunning. ... e-4-Remake
Re: KOTOR Remake
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:55 pm
by Maveritchell
I know why it happens, but boy, is it disheartening to see fun projects start art-first (vs. tech-first). It's a great way to identify work that's only ever going to exist as pretty footage.
Re: KOTOR Remake
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 1:07 pm
by Teancum
Maveritchell wrote:I know why it happens, but boy, is it disheartening to see fun projects start art-first (vs. tech-first). It's a great way to identify work that's only ever going to exist as pretty footage.
A million times this. This will crash and burn for the simple fact that there's not a single NPC, not one weapon, not one bit of UI or coding other than basic level design scripting. It's someone who's great at making levels with delusions of grandeur.
I don't like being rude, but I'm also a realist. For the reasons Mav already pointed out it will never be more than a happy level or group of levels that never get released.
Re: KOTOR Remake
Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:06 am
by jedimoose32
Yeah, I saw this project a couple weeks ago and before I entered their website I thought "my goodness this could be amazing". And then I got to their site and read their ideas, and saw that they only have a couple basic areas "finished" and I realized that it will likely burn out in the early stages. Which is sad because I would pay a lot of money for a really good KotOR remake or sequel.
Edit: That being said, I would love for these people to prove me wrong about the project.