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CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 9:16 pm
by Kingpin
7.50 for an amazing and active game? It's a steal. I've personally played 200+ hours, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who likes strategical and/or FPS games :D

Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:01 pm
by Trix
SWBF and SWBF2 will always be better :)

Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:30 pm
Except that CS:GO actually has an online community.


Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:58 pm
by Trix
An online community it may have, but you can't even sprint. Piece of poop. :)
Besides this is a better community, and furthermore would be best for any game if we used one site, not 50 lol

Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 5:02 pm
Trix wrote:An online community it may have, but you can't even sprint. Piece of poop.

Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:43 am
by Marth8880
Trix wrote:but you can't even sprint. Piece of poop. :)
That's how almost all mainstream arena deathmatch shooters are: Unreal Tournament, Deathmatch Classic, Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike and its iterations, Halo (non-343), Quake (pretty sure) - it's the style of the genre, and it solidifies the gameplay because honestly, there's no real need for sprint in those kinds of games in the first place. However, in a game like Battlefront II or Battlefield where large maps are common, sprint is necessary. :p

With that said, Battlefront II and CS:GO are two completely different kinds of games and shouldn't be compared with one another.

Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:50 am
by Trix
Granted it is only 1 opinion and you have yours, and granted they are very different games. But I am opposed to CS:GO being suggested instead of SWBF2....

Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:03 pm
Trix wrote:But I am opposed to CS:GO being suggested instead of SWBF2....

Board index » Other Games » Game Discussion - Other

So you just want to do away with this sub-forum altogether then? Not that anyone suggested we stop playing SWBF2, but again, you can't really play SWBF2 online anymore.
It's not impossible, just a pain. Which means almost no one does it anymore.

Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:28 am
by Trix
THEWULFMAN wrote:So you just want to do away with this sub-forum altogether then?
Erm? And there are dedicated servers for SWBF2 online I believe, so it is possible. But even single player with mods is epic...that one thing the new Battlefront won't have... :)

Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 2:05 pm
Trix wrote:Erm?
I'm saying that this part of the forum is dedicated to talking about games that aren't SWBF2, and you're complaining that we're not talking about SWBF2 here in a pace specifically made for not talking about SWBF2. That's why it's called, Game Discussion - Other.
Trix wrote:And there are dedicated servers for SWBF2 online I believe, so it is possible.
Yes. It's possible. I never claimed it wasn't. I said SWBF2 lacks an online community. Even before the servers got shut down, there were only ever 2 servers with any people in them. 2 servers an active community does not make.
Trix wrote:But even single player with mods is epic...that one thing the new Battlefront won't have... :)

How does people playing CS:GO stop SWBF2 mods from being played, exactly?

Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:16 pm
by Trix
No, I'm saying I don't pay attention to names cause I'm an idiot lol

Online is kinda not that awesome though so I don't blame it for dying...

And it doesn't obviously lol just I say SWBF2 is better the CSGO lol

Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:49 pm
by Zapattack1234
Okay, well instead of posting why I disagree with your opinion here (because I myself have plugged way too many hours into SWBF2 over the past decade) I'll just post the average amount of daily CS:GO players on steam next to the SWBF2 ones:


Star Wars Battlefront 2: Isn't even in the top 100 most played games on a daily basis AKA less then 2,000 daily on average.

Before you freak out, know that SWBF2 is my favorite game of all time, and will likely remain that way after DICE's new one is released. But I also acknowledge the fact that the game is old. Being a true fan of a game is willing to accept its flaws and understand when it is outdated by a better game, while continuing to play it because it means a lot to you. For me, SWBF2 is pure nostalgia driven fun, however, if i were to pick it up for the first time ever in 2015 without ever playing it before, it would pale in comparison to many newer games. I hope this helps you understand other people's opinions on this matter. :)

Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:14 pm
by Trix
I get it, I misread convo a :/

Would be cool to actually see all current modders work together to actually reinvent SWBF2 though. It still had potential just needs a tune up to the latest standards.

Is getting old though and be nice to see DICE reinvent it, but they won't. We are all stuffed here, and within 5 years will die out...

Fun times :D

Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:02 pm
I remember people talking about this site dying in a few years.

Back in 2010. :u

Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 3:10 pm
by Zapattack1234
I'm with Wulf on this one, when I joined back in 2012 I thought this community was dying out. Now it's 2015 and with the exception of a few people the same crowd still lurks the forums

Re: CS:GO 50% off on Steam this weekend

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:21 pm
by Trix
Okay then, I challenge all that even after SWBF(3) release this will still be active. :)
Let's do this, the force be with you.