The Matrix: Path of Neo reviewed (PC Version)

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The Matrix: Path of Neo reviewed (PC Version)

Post by Teancum »

First, let me start off by saying that despite what other folks thought, I enjoyed most of Enter the Matrix on PS2. It wasn't an amazing game, but it was a good time. The PC port of ETM though, was terribly bug ridden, and it wouldn't even run for me. But I'm reviewing Path of Neo, so let's get to that.

This was the first and most difficult thing to judge. I don't guage a game merely on whether the models are awesome, but I also judge things like variety in characters, believable envorinments, etc.

The game was really hit and miss on medium graphics settings. Many times I found Z-Fighting in models, which, this day and age there are no excuse for. Neo changes clothes a number of times throughout the game, and this adds a lot of depth to the gameplay -- it provides a sense of realism. Most of the movie characters (Neo and Morpheus for sure) had photo-raped faces, and they were not done well. The environments were believable enough, but there was a sort of strange bluriness that I have never before seen in a game. It made for greater depth at times, and destroyed that sense of depth at others.

The animations were exciting. Unlockable moves get cooler as you progress through the game. (More on that later) I found they were fluid and there were no funky animation problems.

By far the most disappointing thing in the game, gameplay suffers terribly, at least in the PC version. I found that to open a door I had to hit the use button, exit to the pause menu, then go back to the game for the door to open. When toting guns, Neo would often target enemies that were well hidden behind walls, and they weren't enemies you targeted while in view who moved for cover, either.

The game has some RPG elements as Neo progesses down the path to being The One. By completing certain bonus objectives, Neo learns new moves and gains greater control over the Matrix. These moves are also upgradeable, so you'll be seeing cooler and cooler gun katas and 'wire-fu' as you journey with Neo.

The level environments were well done, and go beyond the scope of the movies into things such as training programs, more from the building escape (The Matrix) where Morpheus is captured, and other new locations. Each level is enjoyable and well put together.

It's easy to tell this was a rushed PC port, as sometimes instead of PC controls, the occasional training guides will say "Press X" or "Tap L3". Really stupid, IMO.

The PC layout for controls was terrible. It was a combination of keyboard-mouse, but it was far from the standard layout, and some of the more important buttons were difficult to access. Although you can use a PS2-style gamepad to play the game, you can't remap gamepad buttons. I really thought that was an important detail left out, as games like this work best with gamepads.

Cotrolling Neo is very difficult. You WILL get stuck against a wall, stuck walking backwards, and stuck in many other ways that make the game frustrating.

The game (as far as I played -- about 10 levels in before I uninstalled it) is based on the movies, but with added levels that provide more depth to the story. It follows the three movies well, though the cutscenes were choppy and poorly done. My only complaint was the 'training level'. Once you take the red pill, you are teleported to something resembling the "Matrix Lobby" (The Matrix). I say it resembles it because the building is not fully formed. You can see through parts of the building (it's intentional) into the training program. The further you progress before death, the higher the difficulty levels you are allowed to choose from. It's a neat idea, but in the end I would have liked some sort of explanation as to why I was there.

Sadly the PC version of Path of Neo thus far seems to have the same fate as the PC version of Enter the Matrix. It's unfinished, bug ridden, and my guess is that Shiny and Atari will not lend much support to this title either. It simply seemed like a quick port to make a few more bucks.

It's really disappointing seeing a game with such incredible potential be rushed to the shelves. If Shiny and Atari had "left it in the oven to cook awhile longer" -- took more time to remove bugs and polish gameplay before it's release -- this game would have recieved a very high score. Unfortunately this wasn't the case and the game suffers. Go RENT the console version. So far Shiny/Atari have pitched us two Matrix games, and the consumers have given them two strikes. One more and your out, Shiny, so don't let the next PC Matrix game suck.

Graphics - 6.5/10
Gameplay - 6/10
Controls - 5/10
Story - 9/10

Overall Score - 6.625/10

RE: The Matrix: Path of Neo reviewed (PC Version)

Post by TheTao »

I'd give the PC version a 7. Shiny really did drop the ball with support, but I think the game is still highliy entertaining. *fingers crossed for a decent patch*
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RE: The Matrix: Path of Neo reviewed (PC Version)

Post by Teancum »

It should be noted that Shiny/Atari have released two update patches that fix 95% of the bugs. My score is now upped to 8/10.
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RE: The Matrix: Path of Neo reviewed (PC Version)

Post by Teancum »

I just wanted to say I finished the game, and I'm upping my score to a 9/10. The longer you play, the better it gets. --even with the glitches. This is a must-play.
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