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Men of War and Theatre of War

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:02 am
by RevanSithLord
Oh boy, it sure is great when I can purchase things for myself with this new job and all that I have. It's even greater.....and a bit evil....when Steam does their summer deals. I just recently bought the Men of War collector pack and the Theatre of War collection. I wanted to know if anyone here played Men of War or Men of War Assault Squad or the Theatre of War games.

I didn't see another thread about it and if there is one, I imagine it's too old to post in. Anyways, yeah, anyone play MoW: AS? Recommended mods? Should I make my own mods? Anyone up for a game or some such?

This is a recent mission I played....yes, lots of casualties in and around Carentan.