Star Wars Republic Commando

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Do you have Republic Commando?

I have played it but don't have it
Total votes: 20

Post by Blackcurrent »

Well, when i played, which was during day time in the US, but in the evening here in Sweden. There where almost only n00bs playng, and they didn't care if they where defending or attacking, they just camped anyway. And some of the defendants rushed the attackers spawn and started spwncamping with snipers, and after having been spawkilled twice i took them both down with only the handgun:D:D:D! that was sooooo nice. And i used to be the only one scoring cause i was the only one who attacked.
Missing Jedi Admin
Posts: 3277
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2004 2:54 pm
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Post by Leviathan »

And how much time those "newbies" stayed camping ?

Post by Blackcurrent »

The whole map! That's why it's so irritating!!

Post by dreadlordnyax »

i got a double kill with the pi stol once
lol, nothing worse than getting owned with its melee :D

& i always used to go for the scores too, one of the funnest, yet most challenging parts of the game cuz you cant shoot.

if i ever get around to reinstalling it we should play a match sometime blackcurrent.

Post by Blackcurrent »

sure thing, since i have a big hard drive, i keep my games installed, so just tell me a time/date and we can play a couple of rounds. If it's OK i might invite a couple of friends.

Post by dreadlordnyax »

alright finally dragged myself away from battlefront 2 :D

so if you (or anyone else with republic commando) is still interested in a game, please add me on xfire: dreadlordnyax (it'd be helpful if the invite included something about wanting to play rc)

if you don't have xfire, well, post here i guess, but i'm horrible with time zones. i dont even know which one i live in :? (i live in texas)

and if you're busy with bf2 now (didn't you get if for christmas blackcurrent?) and no longer interested, thats fine, i understand. i was the same way when i first got it. :)
Missing Jedi Admin
Posts: 3277
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2004 2:54 pm
Projects :: No Mod project currently.
Games I'm Playing :: I have not listed any games yet
xbox live or psn: No gamertag set

Post by Leviathan »

Off-topic : Texas' Time-Zone must be GMT-6 ~ 7 Hours, lord'...

Post by Darthlarrious »

heh, if you all haven't yet dicovered the wonderful mod-maps out there, try and find DS_Beach, wich is both CTF and DM, made by non-other than ex-[GT] himself, Darktrooper. lol, its a map similar to the WWII maps you can find out there, with a bunker looking out in a beach-like area with wrecks everywhere, perfect if you pick up a sniper and stand still :) its an amazing map, check out

Metal On

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