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GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:36 pm
by Twilight_Warrior
Original Post:
While I can't guarantee it will be up when you want it, TW brings you a GT server run from his computer!
And yes, Fluffy, I did get Bukkit, and it works like a dream.

I've tested my home-run server with some old clan-mates, and I'm told it's very good and not very laggy at all for a home setup.
So without further adieu...

GT Server IP:

Server Status: Image

Dynamic Map:

Pass: jawatofu

Da Rulez:
We're all nice people, so I don't expect this to be a problem:
1) Don't encroach on others' creations
2) If someone is mining a vein of material, don't mine that same vein without asking.
It gets annoying when you find a strip of 16 coal blocks and only get away with 5 because some guy jumps in and starts digging right next to you.
3) Don't abuse the plugins/powers.
LWC is a just-in-case precaution. Like I said, I don't expect us to have griefers, because this is pretty much a private server. But don't lock every door or lock other people's chests. And if you have op, please use the /give command sparingly. I'd like this to be a legit server where we're actually playing a game of survival.

I need In-game Names (IGNs) of everyone who wants in so I can add you to the LWC User group and you can start building. If you're not on the list already, don't feel bad, these are just the people I've seen ingame already, so I know their tags.

Current IGNs (matched to GT name):
- ScorchRaserik (Twilight_Warrior)
- LeaderGrev (Grev)
- CressAlbane2 (CressAlbane)
- cc1119 (commander501stappo)
- CAPSLOCKNINJA (Fluffy-the-ic)
- AtyrumMucros (Xavious)
- snoopy706 (yoyoman)
- RampantConstruct (NullCommando)
- Dohnutt (Dohnutt)
- caleb1117 (Caleb1117)
- green_limpet (Sky_216)
- Mcintireman (RogueKnight)
- 501st_commander (501st_commander)
- HaydnC (DeathRow)
- Fingerfood5 (Fingerfood)
- Rank_Penguin (Wonderboy)
- MileHighGuy (MileHighGuy)
- SilvaDalek (SilvaDalek)
- DashCarCrash (Moving_Target)
- GTBen (Master_Ben)
- Ecko_66 (ecko_66)
- Ipodzanyman (Ipodzanyman)
- commander_fett (commander_fett)
- Ronaem (Thire)

Current Bukkit Plugins In Use:
- LoginMessage
- Permissions
- DynMap
- myHome
- iChat
- Multiverse

This is the main use for LWC on the user end.
1) In chat, type in "/lwc create private" or "/lwc -c private" (without the quotes)
2) A message should pop up telling you to left click on the item you want to lock
3) Left click on a chest, door, dispenser, furnace, or sign to lock it so that nobody but you can use it.

1) Go to where you want to set your "home"
2) In chat, type "/home set" (without the quotes)
3) A confirmation message should pop up.
Now whenever you die, you will spawn at your "home"

You can type "/lwc" in the game at any time for a full list of the commands and a description of each

To-do List:
*? denotes possibilities
- Remote Console
- Auto-Restart? (RAM resets to 300 MB each restart, instead of climbing to 1.5GB in a few hours)
- War

If you need to contact me, shoot me a PM or hit me up on my Xfire account. (warrioroftwilight)
Xavious has kindly taken over the server now that I can't host it anymore.
Same rules apply, be respectful, post here if you have any issues
Here's the IP:

GT Server IP:

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:57 pm
by Fluffy_the_ic
Nice! My ingame name is CAPSLOCKNINJA, although I prolly won't be on this server that much.

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:47 pm
by commander501stappo
Cool, I'll join now :D
Just one thing, my name is CC1119 not cc1119 :wink:

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:05 pm
by Xavious
Add me to the list, my Minecraft ID is AtyrumMucros.

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:08 pm
by Grev
Noice! Noice! I just set up my own server, but that's for a future set of videos I wanna do with my friends.

I'll be on now.

EDIT: Never mind, is down.

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:31 pm
by yoyoman
This server looks cool my user name is snoopy706.

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:34 pm
by Fluffy_the_ic
Just wondering, what exactly does LWC do? Is it much different from Big Brother?
Also, I found an interesting plugin that allows users to create factions, take land, etc. and thought it could be implemented at a later date. If it seems interesting, Click!
Also, I noticed on the dynamic map something about the Nether, did you get it working? If you did, nice!
Finally, do you know if there are any chat censor plugins/if one is built into the game? I know some people on GT are bothered by language and I don't want to offend them, and I have a habit of dropping swearz when I get killed. :P

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:42 pm
by NullCommando
My user name is RampantConstruct, can't wait to play Minecraft with others!

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:55 pm
by Dohnutt
Probably won't be on this server, but might as well add my name to the list. Dohnutt, obviously.

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:57 pm
by Twilight_Warrior
List updated.

Fluffy_the_ic wrote:Just wondering, what exactly does LWC do? Is it much different from Big Brother?
I'm not sure what Big Brother does, but as far as I can tell, LWC is mainly a locking addon for the user-end. There are a few other protective measures on the admin-end, but I'm still playing around with those.

(I should probably add this to the OP)
This is the main use for LWC on the user end.
1) In chat, type in "/lwc create private" or "/lwc -c private" (without the quotes)
2) A message should pop up telling you to left click on the item you want to lock
3) Left click on a chest, door, dispenser, furnace, or sign to lock it so that nobody but you can use it.

You can type "/lwc" in the game at any time for a full list of the commands and a description of each.

Fluffy_the_ic wrote:Also, I found an interesting plugin that allows users to create factions, take land, etc. and thought it could be implemented at a later date. If it seems interesting, Click!
Lol, let's get this server off the ground first, then we'll look into it.
Fluffy_the_ic wrote:Also, I noticed on the dynamic map something about the Nether, did you get it working? If you did, nice!
No, I haven't gotten multi-worlds up, yet, the dynamic map just supports it if I did.
Fluffy_the_ic wrote:Finally, do you know if there are any chat censor plugins/if one is built into the game? I know some people on GT are bothered by language and I don't want to offend them, and I have a habit of dropping swearz when I get killed. :P
I'll look into it.

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:23 pm
by Caleb1117
Please add me, MCid caleb1117

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:27 pm
by Fluffy_the_ic
About LWC; Oh, cool. You made it sound like an Anti-grief in the first post, which is what Big Brother is. BB is an antigrief that lets admins see who griefed an area and roll back any changes they made. Link to BB: Click!
About the factions: Haha, I know. I just said it could be at a later date.
Chat Censors: Actually, just found one, hehe. Click!

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:30 pm
by Twilight_Warrior
Fluffy_the_ic wrote:About LWC; Oh, cool. You made it sound like an Anti-grief in the first post, which is what Big Brother is. BB is an antigrief that lets admins see who griefed an area and roll back any changes they made. Link to BB: Click!
About the factions: Haha, I know. I just said it could be at a later date.
Chat Censors: Actually, just found one, hehe. Click!
Well, yeah, LWC has some anti-grief functions, but it's nothing you have to worry about right now, cuz I'm still in the process of figuring out what they all do :P.
If it's any consolation, I know enough about LWC to stop any griefing issues we might encounter.

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:08 pm
by Dohnutt
What are your system specs, Twilight_Warrior?

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:15 pm
by Sky_216
Sign me up please. :)
IGN: green_limpet

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:24 pm
by RogueKnight
IGN: Mcintireman

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 7:02 pm
by Xavious
I can't seem to destroy or place any blocks. Am I missing something, or did you forget to add some permissions?

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:42 pm
by 501st_commander
My ingame name is my username. Always :D

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:52 pm
by Twilight_Warrior
Xavious wrote:I can't seem to destroy or place any blocks. Am I missing something, or did you forget to add some permissions?
Funny story... When fiddling around with the permissions from my test server, somehow the User group's build permissions got set to false :oops: . That, and when I updated the Permissions plugin last, I forgot to add a colon after 501st_commander's name, making things screwy when he tried to join. My bad. Should work now, sorry bout that.

Oh, and list updated.

All in all, rough first day, but everything should be working now. Tomorrow I'm not gonna mess with it, but it will still be up, so we'll see what we get, AND THEN we'll see what we can do about more fancy plugins.

Re: GT Exclusive SMP Server (Temporary)

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:43 am
by DeathRow
Ingame name is HaydnC