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MCP Reobfuscation Problems

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:58 pm
by commandoCC-9811
If anyone can help me, please tell me what happened to you and/or what you did about it.
I'm trying to mod Minecraft with Modloader and MCP (as usual) but for some reason, I reobfuscate it and nothing turns up in the "reobf/minecraft/" folder.
Does anyone have any idea of what may be going on?
Never mind, solved the problem myself. I just reinstalled MCP, and redid my coding on my files with Eclipse.

Re: MCP Reobfuscation Problems

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:18 pm
by CressAlbane
Be aware that the PATH variable for the MCP can mess up your ModTools in BFII (well, it did for me)
EDIT This was my own fault, not the MCP.