So, I'm working on my first map. In this case, it's a deathrun map for Counter-Strike: Source with a prison break/jail break feel to it.
If you've never played on a deathrun map, do it right now. This is how it works: 2-3 Terrorists usually start in a narrow hallway with a wall or a large gap separating the terrorists from the counter-terrorists. The counter-terrorists spawn on a set path, wide or narrow depending on the setting. The counter-terrorists have to walk along this path avoiding traps or tricking the terrorists into setting off the traps. If the counter-terrorists manage to make it through all the traps, they usually enter a room at the end of a path with a large supply of guns. They then head out to finish off the terrorists in the hallway. Considering that the terrorists are only given knives, they rarely have a chance of defending themselves. Then again, usually only 2-4 counter-terrorists make it through all the traps, if that many.
Now, this map has a twist to it; prison/jail break. This is another mod for Counter-Strike where the terrorists start out in prison cells with only knives and the counter-terrorists act as prison wardens that give the terrorists things to do with the penalty of death if they don't listen.
So this map pretty much turns prison break around. Now the terrorists make counter-terrorists do stuff.
So I decided to combine them. Here are some screenshots of what I have so far. If you've ever played either of these mods, or if you just have some good ideas for traps or design, tell me.
So this is what I have so far. I'm still thinking up ideas for further traps, there have to be quite a few to make the cut. So if you've played deathrun or prison break and have some ideas for traps, go ahead and post them. If I use your idea, I'll add you into the in-game credits on a wall somewhere. I'll need testers sometime, but I'll let you guys know when that is.