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Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:15 am
by Fingerfood
So I hear you want to get into Steam, huh? Well, you came to the right place.

First, you must download the Steam Client.

Steam Client
Simply Click the "Install Steam Now" green button on the right side.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Steam?
Steam is a Game Client which offers many great games and serves and is a dual purpose of being an instant messaging device with friends and such.

Why get Steam?
Valve's games are, considered by many, to be some of the better games out there. Steam is the only way to play these games, and also comes with a huge community similar to XFire. It also has tons of other games featured in the Steam Store.

Does Steam cost money?
No, at least the service and to get an account isn't. Most of the games cost as much money as they would in stores, but there are some great deals like free games and Packs of games which let you save a lot of money at times!

What kind of games does Steam have?
Since Steam is provided by Valve, their main whole are their games, but there are also many other popular games.

Some popular games on Steam:
Assassin's Creed
Beyond Good and Evil
Call of Duty series
Civilization series
Company of Heroes series
Counter Strike series (made by Valve)
Dawn of War series
Day of Defeat series (made by Valve)
DOOM series
Half-Life series (made by Valve)
Portal (made by Valve)
Quake series
Sam and Max series
Star Wars collection
Team Fortress series (made by Valve)
TrackMania series
And remember, this is merely a fraction of the slew of games hosted on Steam. A full catalog can be found here.

Steam DOES work on both Windows and Mac as of May 12, 2010. However, only a few games work on Mac. The full list can be found here.

Steam Community

Steam requires an account to be made to access it's services. This helps you keep your games secure, and also provides you with access to a huge network of gamers who also use Steam. You can chat, use voice chat, establish and join Groups, make your own profile, keep track of how long your friends play, earn Achievements (in-game goals that specify certain tasks to complete), and have a blast doing it! Lots of GameToast members are already involved in the Steam Community, and we'd love for others to join us! Check out the [GT] Source Mods group page and consider joining!

Source and Valve

Source is the engine developed by Valve made for their games. It is stunningly realistic, and is updated yearly as they develop it and improve it. They also released a Source SDK (Software Development Kit) used to do anything from make a level to design a full blown mod, known popularly as SourceMods. These mods include such gems as Garry's Mod, Zombie Panic! (a favorite here at GameToast), and Pirates, Vikings and Knights. To run SourceMods, you need a game that includes it, such as Counter Strike: Source, Half-Life 2, Portal, Team Fortress 2, or other games made by Valve. To see if a game includes the Source SDK, it will say "Includes Source SDK" under Game Details. Plus, if you have an NVIDIA graphics card, you can look here to learn about a special offer to get the Source SDK with a few games for free.

Some suggested SourceMods:
Eternal Silence
Garrys Mod 9 (Free but lacks support and many features that 10+ have.)
Garry's Mod 10 (costs $10 in US. One time purchase, any updates to Garrys Mod come through Steam like any other game.)
GoldenEye: Source
Kreedz Climbing
Pirates, Vikings and Knights II
Portal: Prelude
The Hidden: Source
Zombie Master
Zombie Panic! Source

Browse to your steamapps directory (usually C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\), and go to your SourceMods folder. From there, you can delete the SourceMod of your choice. (Some SourceMods have an uninstaller located in the SourceMods folder)

You must restart Steam for the mod to be removed from your Games list.

Source SDK

The Source SDK (Software Development Kit) is used to make levels and mods for Valve's Source engine. To get the Source SDK, you need a game that includes it. To find a list of games, look here.

Some reference documents and information on the Source SDK:

SDK Release Notes
SDK Reference Documents
Valve Developer Community

You can also use SoftImage|XSI Mod Tool to create models for Source. You can learn more about it here.

If you have any further concerns or questions, contact one of the [GT]Source Mods' members and we'll see if we can answer your question.

Steam Accounts:
Image Image
Image Image
Image Image
Image Image
Image Image
Image Image

Admins and Moderators, feel free to add or edit information in this post. I'm glad to of helped you guys out by making this, but if it doesn't fit your standards, feel free to make it fit.

~Haxored by Penguin

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:14 am
by Penguin

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:14 am
by Caleb1117
Steam username: Caleb1117

Duh. :roll:
You should add: The Hidden Source and Synergy to the list of suggested mods, they're great.

Oh and if you get Source mods or games, or even just get on steam, feel free to join the group.

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:14 pm
by Hebes24
I recently got Steam too.

Account name: Hebes24

I used it to get a demo of Portal. Awesome Game.

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:28 pm
by tsurugi13
I got portal about a month ago, amazing game.

Account name: Tsurugi13

Portal is the best.

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:35 pm
by Fingerfood
Glad you joined Hebes and Tsurugi!

Your nickname and username are different.
The [GT]Source Mods' link is in the first post.

*Updated first post*

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:20 am
by Aman/Pinguin
Username: Pinguinaman

And after getting a new PC I will buy alot of those awesome Steam games. ;) (Atm I'm just playing Gmod 9 on a friends account :? )

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:37 pm
by Hebes24
Wow. Through Steam, I just discovered about $80 worth of games that I look amazing! (FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage, GRID, and of course, Portal)

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:08 am
by RevanSithLord
Okay, what the heck: Revan_0 is mine. :D

I'm usually always on, but if I don't reply it's because of school, drowsiness, or things mowing, taking a shower, whatever. Tomorrow I'll be buying Mercs 2 and X3 Reunion, so...

If you guys add me and I don't accept right away, don't feel bad. Just realize that I am heckuva busy 18 year old. :D Yes, turned 18 Monday and okay, shutting up. :mrgreen:

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:40 am
by Fingerfood
Can't find ya. :?

Didn't try to hard though... :P

Just try adding me when you get the chance. Fingerfood if you're searching, or saldrfingerfood on "Add Friend" on the Friends Window.

Off-Topic (sorta): I beat Half-Life 2! :D

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 9:15 am
by Taivyx
So mine's taivyx
surprise surprise.

But yeah Steam FTW, I just got it and I'm really impressed

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:12 pm
by Fusion

Just got Steam today, name is Gerakovits. Add me if you want.

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:54 am
by Penguin
Added :P

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:56 pm
by Moving_Target

I'm almost always up for TF2. Like 75% for L4D.

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:56 pm
by Karnage
Mine name is:[GT]Karnage
Here's my account if you can't find me by searching for my name:

For some reason whenever you search for my name, it never comes up.

Durka's private. Gonna change that.

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:33 pm
by VF501
My StreamID: vf501

Haven't been on much, and reduced my L4D play time as the patch from awhile back dropped my framerates by 15% or so, and TF2 is being a pain for me at this time.

Still, if I'm on hit me up for a game or two.

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:59 am
by Penguin
This is what happens when I don't accept any invites for a week.

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 2:37 pm
by Gen.Kenobi
add me [steam]: genkenobi2009
xfire: genkenobi2008

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 4:37 pm
by obiboba3po
steam: obiboba3po

Re: Steam "Everything You Need" Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:33 pm
by Master of Stickmen
Quick question. Is Halo 1 on Steam?