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Sporadia Learns Softimage Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 3:20 pm
by Sporadia
This is my assets thread while I slowly get better at Softimage.

Jedi Training Droid
I made this mesh to use as an alternative to the remotedroid geometry, for jedi units. It has a specular and bump map, and I hope the lowrez part of the model works but I haven't checked.
I'm only uploading the msh and tga files for this, because I've hardly changed the stock remotedroid odfs.
Put this in the remotedroid_jedi_ord.odf (or whatever you call it):

Code: Select all

GeometryName = "mer_jeditrainingdroid_v4"
The hp_weapons is taken from the stock probedroid.msh.
And I used the stock probedroid.msh as a reference on how big to make the model and collision primitives.

Other than that, the msh and texture were made by me.

Thank you to Darth Duck for making a tutorial on how to use bumpmaps and glossmaps.

Thank you to ANDEWEGET for making a list of ZE edit flags.
(And thank you to MileHighGuy for sending me a link to it.)

The texture is based on a training droid from A New Hope.

Software used:
Softimage Mod Tool
ANDEWEGET's ZE Tools plugin for Softimage Mod Tool

- Sporadia
Download: ...

Re: Sporadia Learns Softimage Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 8:12 pm
by MileHighGuy
That's awesome. Although, I would recommend Blender these days, as it can do everything now except export cloth

Re: Sporadia Learns Softimage Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:45 am
by Sporadia
MileHighGuy wrote:
Thu Feb 23, 2023 8:12 pm
Although, I would recommend Blender these days, as it can do everything now except export cloth
That's probably true, but I've just got to the point with Softimage where I feel like I know where to find all the settings I need, so now the challenge is just about getting better as a modeller. The only exception being there are a few things I want to understand about character msh skeletons. And somehow I've made it this far without knowing how to save anything; at the moment I export and reimport models to keep working on them. When I tried to save in the past it was crashing Softimage. But I'm going to look for if there's a way to export .emdl because importing psych0fred's skeleton works fine and if I can save everything like that, it would be better.

Re: Sporadia Learns Softimage Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 12:50 pm
by MDPtoaster
Good job.

Re: Sporadia Learns Softimage Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 10:20 pm
by kiprobin
I also had crashes when trying to save on XSI. Importing and exporting the models works fine for me and I've never had any problems with it, so I see no reason to stop doing so

Re: Sporadia Learns Softimage Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 9:04 am
by Sporadia
kiprobin wrote:
Fri Feb 24, 2023 10:20 pm
I also had crashes when trying to save on XSI. Importing and exporting the models works fine for me and I've never had any problems with it, so I see no reason to stop doing so
I'm thinking ahead to if I ever want to make a character with tentacles that uses a custom skeleton (because I have an idea for one). I'm nowhere near being able to do the geometry for that now. But if I do it in the future, I will need to know how to add bones to a skeleton (because tentacles use extra bones). And then I need to be able to save that skeleton somehow in a format where I can import it and reposition the skeleton on a character later. If I export it as a msh it will convert the bones into nodes, and I'd rather not work with nodes.

Re: Sporadia Learns Softimage Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 1:16 pm
by Sporadia
I'm looking for suggestions for lightsaber hilts that I can make as practice. [Suggestions closed until I get bored of doing jedi survivor stuff]

It seems like a doable geometry for someone just starting out, but I don't know if it makes sense for me to remake lightsabers that we already have assets for. So if anyone has a specific lightsaber hilt that they need, or an idea for a hilt that they've never seen please post it here. I'll try to make unnecessarily hires models as a challenge, although my texturing ability might let me down. Certainly I'll be making standard res models to fit in with the rest of BF2 as well. If there's anything that's not a lightsaber, but is similarly simple in geometry, then I'm open to take suggestions for whatever. But remember that the jedi training droid is the only other model that I've ever made from scratch, and it was just a sphere.

Re: Sporadia Learns Softimage Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 8:59 pm
by MileHighGuy
You could copy some from Jedi Survivor. Most sabers that aren't pretty much cylinders I think we have... You could also model a regular sword hilt and make it into a lightsaber. Maybe a lightsaber with a rapier style hilt.

Re: Sporadia Learns Softimage Thread

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 7:53 am
by Sporadia
Good call. I've never played Jedi Survivor, but looking at screenshots and walkthroughs there's a lot of lightsabers to choose from. I'll stick to that for now.