first download this
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/87hk4y ... _Animation
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
make sure you've moved all the files that wampas normally have to your side folder
move all the "wop" files into the "munged" folder of whatever side the thing u want the combat to be on. so lets take an Alliance wookie for example, normally hes in the folder named "all" but who knows maybe your making a wookie rampage map and you want him with the imperials, I don't know (in that case it would go in "imp"s munged file)
but anyways (assuming that this wookie is with the alliance) go to DATA_???> sides> all> munged and paste the "wop" file u just downloaded in there
then open wookies odf file and change this :
Code: Select all
SkeletonName = "chewbacca"
Code: Select all
SkeletonName = "wop"
make sure the 1.15 setting that the wampa normally has match this hitting units SkeletonRootScale and CollisionRootScale
like so :
Code: Select all
SkeletonRootScale = "1.15"
CollisionRootScale = "1.15"
different skeleton then the other units because shes shorter ... You can play with these to your liking or create some pretty messed up looking guys !!
now we have to give him the wampas hands as a weapon !
so enter this where the WEAPONSECTION goes in your odf
Code: Select all
WeaponName = "hot_weap_lightsaber_wampa"
WeaponAmmo = 6
you MUST note that if you make this WEAPONSECTION = 1 then you wont beable to swich weapons soooooo yeah
Make sure your adding some jedi combat lines into your games lua because the wampa hit ability is considered a "lightsaber" lol.
then after that munge ! and now you can have a wampa wookie or human with wampa and human animations. Questions ?