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Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:28 pm
by ForceMaster
This my versión of the Republic's All Terrain Open Transport (AT-OT), hope you enjoy it!


Vehicle label: commandwalker
Weapons: Heavy lasers
Turrets: 2, back side.
Passengers: 3, able to use his own weapons

Add it to your map like 3 pairs of legs walker (the same for AT-TE).

Ingame pics:
Ingame video

Custom anim for passenger:
Mesh in XSI:
Walking animation (gif from render frames, not ingame):



Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:09 am
by Deviss
Wooow, a big machine!! many thanks ForceMaster :D

Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:28 am
by 15Cyber
Very cool !!! :thumbs:

Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:59 pm
by Deviss
i dislike bother ForceMaster, but when i change to fourth position (passenger "x") the game crash :S , and using vehicle as some passengers position the eyepoint its under the vehicle (between the terrain and it), its possible fix it ?

Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 7:16 pm
by ForceMaster
Do not worry, apparently using the unit as a turret distorts the view when you switch from one position to another and then back, I tried many changes in the odf to avoid that problem but I have not found a way to correct it. If you wish you can replace the positions of the passengers so they can not use their weapons, and only be transported by the vehicle.

There is a new .odf file that replaces the turret positions for units with passenger slots.

ClassLabel = "commandwalker" //You can change it to walker for disable spawn points
GeometryName = "rep_walk_atot.msh"



VehicleType = "heavy"
AISizeType = "Huge"
NoCombatInterrupt = "1"
ReserveOneForPlayer = "0"

CockpitTension = 15
//ForceMode = "2"
EyePointOffset = "0.0 4.0 8.0"

//PilotType = "remote"

DeathDustEffect = "ginormousdustcloud"
DeathDustDelay = "5.1"
DeathDustOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"

MapTexture = "atte_icon"
HealthTexture = "HUD_rep_atte_icon"
VehiclePosition = "common.vehiclepositions.pilot"
MapScale = "2.2"

GeometryName = "rep_walk_atot"
AnimationName = "rep_walk_atot"
//FirstPerson = "REP\repatted;rep_1st_cockpit_ATTE"
//FirstPersonFOV = "43"
ThirdPersonFOV = "60"
MaxHealth = "40000.0"
Healthtype = "vehicle"
//HitLocation = "p_crithit 4.0"

PilotPosition = "hp_pilot"
PilotAnimation = "drive"

SpawnPointCount = "10"
SpawnPointLocation = "0.0 3.5 -5.3 90" //in the vehicle's back
SpawnPointLocation = "0.8 3.3 -6.5 0" //in the vehicle's back
SpawnPointLocation = "-0.8 3.3 -6.5 0" //in the vehicle's back
SpawnPointLocation = "0.0 2.6 -7.6 0" //on terrain
SpawnPointLocation = "6.0 0.0 7.0 0" //on terrain
SpawnPointLocation = "-6.0 0.0 7.0 0" //on terrain
SpawnPointLocation = "6.0 0.0 0.0 0" //on terrain
SpawnPointLocation = "-6.0 0.0 0.0 0" //on terrain
SpawnPointLocation = "6.0 0.0 -7.0 0" //on terrain
SpawnPointLocation = "-6.0 0.0 -7.0 0" //on terrain
AllyCount = 65536
Radius = 0.0
ValueBleed = 10
Value_ATK_Alliance = 10
Value_ATK_CIS = 10
Value_ATK_Empire = 10
Value_ATK_Republic = 10
Value_ATK_Locals = 0
Value_DEF_Alliance = 0
Value_DEF_CIS = 0
Value_DEF_Empire = 0
Value_DEF_Republic = 0
Value_DEF_Locals = 0
HUDIndexDisplay = 0

//////////// Damage FX section //////////////////////

DamageStartPercent = 60.0
DamageStopPercent = 30.0
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehiclespark"
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_a_leg1"

DamageStartPercent = 60.0
DamageStopPercent = 30.0
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehiclespark"
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_a_leg4"

DamageStartPercent = 60.0
DamageStopPercent = 30.0
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehiclespark"
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_a_leg3"

DamageStartPercent = 50.0
DamageStopPercent = 30.0
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehiclespark"
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_b_leg2"

DamageStartPercent = 50.0
DamageStopPercent = 30.0
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehiclespark"
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_b_leg6"

DamageStartPercent = 19.0
DamageStopPercent = 0.0000001
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehicleflame"
DamageEffectScale = 2.0
DamageInheritVelocity = 0.0
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_a_leg7"

DamageStartPercent = 40.0
DamageStopPercent = 20.0
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehiclesmoke"
DamageEffectScale = 2.5
DamageInheritVelocity = 0.0
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_b_leg3"

DamageStartPercent = 19.0
DamageStopPercent = 0.0000001
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehicleflame"
DamageEffectScale = 2.5
DamageInheritVelocity = 0.0
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_b_leg1"

ExplosionDestruct = "rep_walk_atot_exp"
ExplosionName = "rep_walk_atot_exp"
ExplosionOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
DeathAnimationExplosionTime = "1.5"
FinalExplosion = "rep_walk_atot_exp"
FinalExplosionOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"

////////////// CHUNKS /////////////////////////

ChunkGeometryName = "rep_walk_atot_chunk1"
ChunkNodeName = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions = "0"
ChunkTerrainEffect = "com_sfx_explosion_lg"
ChunkPhysics = "FULL"
ChunkOmega = "1.0 4.0 0.5"
ChunkBounciness = 0.45
ChunkStickiness = 0.25
ChunkSpeed = "11.0"
ChunkUpFactor = "14.00"
ChunkTrailEffect = "com_sfx_chunktrail_sm"

ChunkGeometryName = "rep_walk_atot_chunk2"
ChunkNodeName = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions = "6"
ChunkTerrainEffect = "dirtspray"
ChunkPhysics = "FULL"
ChunkOmega = "2.0 1.5 3.0"
ChunkBounciness = 0.45
ChunkStickiness = 0.25
ChunkSpeed = "10.0"
ChunkUpFactor = "2.00"
ChunkTrailEffect = "com_sfx_chunktrail_sm"

ChunkGeometryName = "rep_walk_atot_chunk3"
ChunkNodeName = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions = "5"
ChunkTerrainEffect = "dirtspray"
ChunkTrailEffect = "com_sfx_chunktrail_sm"
ChunkPhysics = "FULL"
ChunkOmega = "2.0 2.0 2.0"
ChunkSpeed = "14.0"
ChunkUpFactor = "5.00"

ChunkGeometryName = "rep_walk_atot_chunk4"
ChunkNodeName = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions = "3"
ChunkTerrainEffect = "dirtspray"
ChunkPhysics = "FULL"
ChunkOmega = "2.0 2.0 1.5"
ChunkBounciness = 0.55
ChunkStickiness = 0.25
ChunkSpeed = "10.0"
ChunkUpFactor = "1.00"
ChunkTrailEffect = "com_sfx_chunktrail_sm"

ChunkGeometryName = "rep_walk_atot_chunk5"
ChunkNodeName = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions = "3"
ChunkTerrainEffect = "dirtspray"
ChunkPhysics = "FULL"
ChunkOmega = "2.0 0.5 2.0"
ChunkBounciness = 0.45
ChunkStickiness = 0.25
ChunkSpeed = "6.0"
ChunkUpFactor = "2.00"
ChunkTrailEffect = "com_sfx_chunktrail_sm"

ChunkSmokeEffect = "com_sfx_smokeplume"
ChunkSmokeNodeName = "hp_smoke1"

ChunkGeometryName = "rep_walk_atot_chunk6"
ChunkNodeName = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions = "3"
ChunkTerrainEffect = "com_sfx_explosion_lg"
ChunkTrailEffect = "com_sfx_chunktrail_sm"
ChunkPhysics = "FULL"
ChunkOmega = "1.0 5.0 1.0"
ChunkSpeed = "12.0"


PitchRate = "0.75"
PitchFilter = "3.75"

SteerAtYawLimit = "1"
SteerAtStrafeLimit = "0"
CorrectAimForSteering = "1"
SteerTowardAimFactor = "0.0"
ReverseBackwardSteering = "1" //steer in reverse like a car - ThrustAngleToStrafe works more intuitively this way
ThrustAngleToStrafe = "87" //should match yaw limit or 0.0
ThrustAngleToTurn = "88" //thrust angle to reach full forward turn speed
ThrustAngleToStop = "89" //thrust angle to turn in place

Acceleraton = "1.5"

MaxSpeed = "1.0"
MaxStrafeSpeed = "3.5"
MaxTurnSpeed = "0.5"

PCPitchRate = 15.0
PCSpinRate = 15.0
PCTurnRate = 25.0

StoppedTurnSpeed = "0.05"
ForwardTurnSpeed = "0.05"
TurnThreshold = "0.35"

TrackCenter = "0.0 12.0 -15.0"
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
TiltValue = "10"
AimValue = "0.8"
AutoAimYLimits = "-0.9 0.9"

///////// Main Gun //////////////////////

WeaponName = "rep_weap_walk_atot_laser"
WeaponAmmo = "0"

YawLimits = "-32.0 32.0"
PitchLimits = "-30.0 5.0"

AimerYawLimits = "-32.0 32.0"
AimerPitchLimits = "-30.0 5.0"
AimerNodeName = "aimer_y_l"
FirePointName = "hp_fire_l"
FireOutsideLimits = "1"

NextAimer = "-"

AimerYawLimits = "-32.0 32.0"
AimerPitchLimits = "-30.0 5.0"
AimerNodeName = "aimer_y_r"
FirePointName = "hp_fire_r"
FireOutsideLimits = "1"

TEMP_AnimationSpeed = "1.5"
TEMP_Type = "0"

WaterDamageInterval = "1.0"
WaterDamageAmount = "10.0"


VehiclePosition = "common.vehiclepositions.gunner"

FirstPerson = "rep\repsccam;rep_1st_cockpit_securitycam"
ForceMode = "2"
ThirdPersonFOV = "55"

EyePointOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 2.0 -4.0"
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
TiltValue = "0.0"

ForceMode = 1

TurretNodeName = "aimer_y_back_l"

PitchRate = "1"
PitchFilter = "3.75"
TurnRate = "1"
TurnFilter = "3.75"

WeaponName = "rep_weap_walk_atot_rear_gun"
WeaponAmmo = "0"

YawLimits = "180 270"
PitchLimits = "-5.0 30.0"

HierarchyLevel = 1
AimerNodeName = "aimer_y_back_l"
AimerPitchLimits = "0.0 0.0"
AimerYawLimits = "180.0 270.0"
FirePointName = "hp_fire_back_l"

NextAimer = "-"

AimerNodeName = "aimer_x_back_l"
AimerPitchLimits = "0.0 0.0"
AimerYawLimits = "0.0 0.0"
FirePointName = "hp_fire_back_l"

PitchRate = "0.75"
PitchFilter = "3.75"
TurnRate = "1.25"
TurnFilter = "3.75"

//PilotPosition = "hp_main_gunner"
//PilotAnimation = "drive"

TurretYawSound = "turret_whir_yaw_lp"
TurretYawSoundPitch = "0.7"
TurretPitchSound = "turret_whir_pitch_lp"
TurretPitchSoundPitch = "0.7"
TurretAmbientSound = ""
TurretActivateSound = "vehicle_equip"
TurretDeactivateSound = ""
TurretStartSound = ""
TurretStopSound = ""

PCPitchTurnFactor = "20.0"
PCYawTurnFactor = "20.0"


VehiclePosition = "common.vehiclepositions.gunner"

FirstPerson = "rep\repsccam;rep_1st_cockpit_securitycam"
ForceMode = "2"
ThirdPersonFOV = "55"

EyePointOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 2.0 -4.0"
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
TiltValue = "0.0"
ForceMode = 1

TurretNodeName = "aimer_y_back_r"

PitchRate = "1"
PitchFilter = "3.75"
TurnRate = "1"
TurnFilter = "3.75"

WeaponName = "rep_weap_walk_atot_rear_gun"
WeaponAmmo = "0"

YawLimits = "90.0 180.0"
PitchLimits = "-5.0 30.0"

HierarchyLevel = 1
AimerNodeName = "aimer_y_back_r"
AimerPitchLimits = "0.0 0.0"
AimerYawLimits = "90.0 180.0"
FirePointName = "hp_fire_back_r"

NextAimer = "-"

AimerNodeName = "aimer_x_back_r"
AimerPitchLimits = "0.0 0.0"
AimerYawLimits = "0.0 0.0"
FirePointName = "hp_fire_back_r"

PitchRate = "0.75"
PitchFilter = "3.75"
TurnRate = "1.25"
TurnFilter = "3.75"

//PilotPosition = "hp_main_gunner"
//PilotAnimation = "drive"

TurretYawSound = "turret_whir_yaw_lp"
TurretYawSoundPitch = "0.7"
TurretPitchSound = "turret_whir_pitch_lp"
TurretPitchSoundPitch = "0.7"
TurretAmbientSound = ""
TurretActivateSound = "vehicle_equip"
TurretDeactivateSound = ""
TurretStartSound = ""
TurretStopSound = ""

PCPitchTurnFactor = "20.0"
PCYawTurnFactor = "20.0"

StompEffect = "com_sfx_walkerstomp"

WalkerOrientRoll = "1"
LegRayHitLength = "5.0"
WalkerWidth = "10.0"

LegPairCount = "2"

WalkerLegPair = "front_legs"

LegBoneLeft = "bone_b_leg1"
LegBoneRight = "bone_b_leg5"

LegBoneTopLeft = "bone_a_leg1"
LegBoneTopRight = "bone_a_leg5"

TerrainLeft = "p_-svtbo-cube40"
TerrainRight = "p_-svtbo-cube21"

FootBoneLeft = "bone_c_leg1"
FootBoneRight = "bone_c_leg5"

WalkerLegPair = "back_legs"

LegBoneLeft = "bone_b_leg4"
LegBoneRight = "bone_b_leg8"

LegBoneTopLeft = "bone_a_leg4"
LegBoneTopRight = "bone_a_leg8"

TerrainLeft = "p_-svtbo-cube30"
TerrainRight = "p_-svtbo-cube13"
FootBoneLeft = "bone_c_leg4"
FootBoneRight = "bone_c_leg8"

PassengerSlots = "5"
PassengerEyePoint = "hp_passenger1"
PassengerEyePoint = "hp_passenger2"
PassengerEyePoint = "hp_passenger3"
PassengerEyePoint = "hp_passenger4"
PassengerEyePoint = "hp_passenger5"
EyePointOffset = "5.0 3.0 -10.0"

VOUnitType = 127
StompDetectionType = "1"
FootstepSound0 = "com_weap_layered_at_step"
FootstepSound1 = "com_weap_layered_at_step"
FootstepSound4 = "com_weap_layered_at_step"
FootstepSound5 = "com_weap_layered_at_step"
//HydraulicSound = "walkerservo"
//HydraulicSoundHeight = "0.5"
DeathSound = "imp_weap_ord_exp_lg"
VehicleCollisionSound ="com_veh_collision_lg"
CISMusic ="cis_vehicle"
RepMusic ="rep_vehicle"
MusicSpeed = "0.3"
MusicDelay = "3.0"

FoleyFXGroup = "metal_foley"[/code]

Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:20 pm
by Deviss
ForceMaster wrote:Do not worry, apparently using the unit as a turret distorts the view when you switch from one position to another and then back, I tried many changes in the odf to avoid that problem but I have not found a way to correct it. If you wish you can replace the positions of the passengers so they can not use their weapons, and only be transported by the vehicle.

There is a new .odf file that replaces the turret positions for units with passenger slots.

ClassLabel = "commandwalker" //You can change it to walker for disable spawn points
GeometryName = "rep_walk_atot.msh"



VehicleType = "heavy"
AISizeType = "Huge"
NoCombatInterrupt = "1"
ReserveOneForPlayer = "0"

CockpitTension = 15
//ForceMode = "2"
EyePointOffset = "0.0 4.0 8.0"

//PilotType = "remote"

DeathDustEffect = "ginormousdustcloud"
DeathDustDelay = "5.1"
DeathDustOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"

MapTexture = "atte_icon"
HealthTexture = "HUD_rep_atte_icon"
VehiclePosition = "common.vehiclepositions.pilot"
MapScale = "2.2"

GeometryName = "rep_walk_atot"
AnimationName = "rep_walk_atot"
//FirstPerson = "REP\repatted;rep_1st_cockpit_ATTE"
//FirstPersonFOV = "43"
ThirdPersonFOV = "60"
MaxHealth = "40000.0"
Healthtype = "vehicle"
//HitLocation = "p_crithit 4.0"

PilotPosition = "hp_pilot"
PilotAnimation = "drive"

SpawnPointCount = "10"
SpawnPointLocation = "0.0 3.5 -5.3 90" //in the vehicle's back
SpawnPointLocation = "0.8 3.3 -6.5 0" //in the vehicle's back
SpawnPointLocation = "-0.8 3.3 -6.5 0" //in the vehicle's back
SpawnPointLocation = "0.0 2.6 -7.6 0" //on terrain
SpawnPointLocation = "6.0 0.0 7.0 0" //on terrain
SpawnPointLocation = "-6.0 0.0 7.0 0" //on terrain
SpawnPointLocation = "6.0 0.0 0.0 0" //on terrain
SpawnPointLocation = "-6.0 0.0 0.0 0" //on terrain
SpawnPointLocation = "6.0 0.0 -7.0 0" //on terrain
SpawnPointLocation = "-6.0 0.0 -7.0 0" //on terrain
AllyCount = 65536
Radius = 0.0
ValueBleed = 10
Value_ATK_Alliance = 10
Value_ATK_CIS = 10
Value_ATK_Empire = 10
Value_ATK_Republic = 10
Value_ATK_Locals = 0
Value_DEF_Alliance = 0
Value_DEF_CIS = 0
Value_DEF_Empire = 0
Value_DEF_Republic = 0
Value_DEF_Locals = 0
HUDIndexDisplay = 0

//////////// Damage FX section //////////////////////

DamageStartPercent = 60.0
DamageStopPercent = 30.0
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehiclespark"
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_a_leg1"

DamageStartPercent = 60.0
DamageStopPercent = 30.0
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehiclespark"
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_a_leg4"

DamageStartPercent = 60.0
DamageStopPercent = 30.0
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehiclespark"
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_a_leg3"

DamageStartPercent = 50.0
DamageStopPercent = 30.0
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehiclespark"
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_b_leg2"

DamageStartPercent = 50.0
DamageStopPercent = 30.0
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehiclespark"
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_b_leg6"

DamageStartPercent = 19.0
DamageStopPercent = 0.0000001
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehicleflame"
DamageEffectScale = 2.0
DamageInheritVelocity = 0.0
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_a_leg7"

DamageStartPercent = 40.0
DamageStopPercent = 20.0
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehiclesmoke"
DamageEffectScale = 2.5
DamageInheritVelocity = 0.0
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_b_leg3"

DamageStartPercent = 19.0
DamageStopPercent = 0.0000001
DamageEffect = "com_sfx_vehicleflame"
DamageEffectScale = 2.5
DamageInheritVelocity = 0.0
DamageAttachPoint = "bone_b_leg1"

ExplosionDestruct = "rep_walk_atot_exp"
ExplosionName = "rep_walk_atot_exp"
ExplosionOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
DeathAnimationExplosionTime = "1.5"
FinalExplosion = "rep_walk_atot_exp"
FinalExplosionOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"

////////////// CHUNKS /////////////////////////

ChunkGeometryName = "rep_walk_atot_chunk1"
ChunkNodeName = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions = "0"
ChunkTerrainEffect = "com_sfx_explosion_lg"
ChunkPhysics = "FULL"
ChunkOmega = "1.0 4.0 0.5"
ChunkBounciness = 0.45
ChunkStickiness = 0.25
ChunkSpeed = "11.0"
ChunkUpFactor = "14.00"
ChunkTrailEffect = "com_sfx_chunktrail_sm"

ChunkGeometryName = "rep_walk_atot_chunk2"
ChunkNodeName = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions = "6"
ChunkTerrainEffect = "dirtspray"
ChunkPhysics = "FULL"
ChunkOmega = "2.0 1.5 3.0"
ChunkBounciness = 0.45
ChunkStickiness = 0.25
ChunkSpeed = "10.0"
ChunkUpFactor = "2.00"
ChunkTrailEffect = "com_sfx_chunktrail_sm"

ChunkGeometryName = "rep_walk_atot_chunk3"
ChunkNodeName = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions = "5"
ChunkTerrainEffect = "dirtspray"
ChunkTrailEffect = "com_sfx_chunktrail_sm"
ChunkPhysics = "FULL"
ChunkOmega = "2.0 2.0 2.0"
ChunkSpeed = "14.0"
ChunkUpFactor = "5.00"

ChunkGeometryName = "rep_walk_atot_chunk4"
ChunkNodeName = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions = "3"
ChunkTerrainEffect = "dirtspray"
ChunkPhysics = "FULL"
ChunkOmega = "2.0 2.0 1.5"
ChunkBounciness = 0.55
ChunkStickiness = 0.25
ChunkSpeed = "10.0"
ChunkUpFactor = "1.00"
ChunkTrailEffect = "com_sfx_chunktrail_sm"

ChunkGeometryName = "rep_walk_atot_chunk5"
ChunkNodeName = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions = "3"
ChunkTerrainEffect = "dirtspray"
ChunkPhysics = "FULL"
ChunkOmega = "2.0 0.5 2.0"
ChunkBounciness = 0.45
ChunkStickiness = 0.25
ChunkSpeed = "6.0"
ChunkUpFactor = "2.00"
ChunkTrailEffect = "com_sfx_chunktrail_sm"

ChunkSmokeEffect = "com_sfx_smokeplume"
ChunkSmokeNodeName = "hp_smoke1"

ChunkGeometryName = "rep_walk_atot_chunk6"
ChunkNodeName = ""
ChunkTerrainCollisions = "3"
ChunkTerrainEffect = "com_sfx_explosion_lg"
ChunkTrailEffect = "com_sfx_chunktrail_sm"
ChunkPhysics = "FULL"
ChunkOmega = "1.0 5.0 1.0"
ChunkSpeed = "12.0"


PitchRate = "0.75"
PitchFilter = "3.75"

SteerAtYawLimit = "1"
SteerAtStrafeLimit = "0"
CorrectAimForSteering = "1"
SteerTowardAimFactor = "0.0"
ReverseBackwardSteering = "1" //steer in reverse like a car - ThrustAngleToStrafe works more intuitively this way
ThrustAngleToStrafe = "87" //should match yaw limit or 0.0
ThrustAngleToTurn = "88" //thrust angle to reach full forward turn speed
ThrustAngleToStop = "89" //thrust angle to turn in place

Acceleraton = "1.5"

MaxSpeed = "1.0"
MaxStrafeSpeed = "3.5"
MaxTurnSpeed = "0.5"

PCPitchRate = 15.0
PCSpinRate = 15.0
PCTurnRate = 25.0

StoppedTurnSpeed = "0.05"
ForwardTurnSpeed = "0.05"
TurnThreshold = "0.35"

TrackCenter = "0.0 12.0 -15.0"
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
TiltValue = "10"
AimValue = "0.8"
AutoAimYLimits = "-0.9 0.9"

///////// Main Gun //////////////////////

WeaponName = "rep_weap_walk_atot_laser"
WeaponAmmo = "0"

YawLimits = "-32.0 32.0"
PitchLimits = "-30.0 5.0"

AimerYawLimits = "-32.0 32.0"
AimerPitchLimits = "-30.0 5.0"
AimerNodeName = "aimer_y_l"
FirePointName = "hp_fire_l"
FireOutsideLimits = "1"

NextAimer = "-"

AimerYawLimits = "-32.0 32.0"
AimerPitchLimits = "-30.0 5.0"
AimerNodeName = "aimer_y_r"
FirePointName = "hp_fire_r"
FireOutsideLimits = "1"

TEMP_AnimationSpeed = "1.5"
TEMP_Type = "0"

WaterDamageInterval = "1.0"
WaterDamageAmount = "10.0"


VehiclePosition = "common.vehiclepositions.gunner"

FirstPerson = "rep\repsccam;rep_1st_cockpit_securitycam"
ForceMode = "2"
ThirdPersonFOV = "55"

EyePointOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 2.0 -4.0"
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
TiltValue = "0.0"

ForceMode = 1

TurretNodeName = "aimer_y_back_l"

PitchRate = "1"
PitchFilter = "3.75"
TurnRate = "1"
TurnFilter = "3.75"

WeaponName = "rep_weap_walk_atot_rear_gun"
WeaponAmmo = "0"

YawLimits = "180 270"
PitchLimits = "-5.0 30.0"

HierarchyLevel = 1
AimerNodeName = "aimer_y_back_l"
AimerPitchLimits = "0.0 0.0"
AimerYawLimits = "180.0 270.0"
FirePointName = "hp_fire_back_l"

NextAimer = "-"

AimerNodeName = "aimer_x_back_l"
AimerPitchLimits = "0.0 0.0"
AimerYawLimits = "0.0 0.0"
FirePointName = "hp_fire_back_l"

PitchRate = "0.75"
PitchFilter = "3.75"
TurnRate = "1.25"
TurnFilter = "3.75"

//PilotPosition = "hp_main_gunner"
//PilotAnimation = "drive"

TurretYawSound = "turret_whir_yaw_lp"
TurretYawSoundPitch = "0.7"
TurretPitchSound = "turret_whir_pitch_lp"
TurretPitchSoundPitch = "0.7"
TurretAmbientSound = ""
TurretActivateSound = "vehicle_equip"
TurretDeactivateSound = ""
TurretStartSound = ""
TurretStopSound = ""

PCPitchTurnFactor = "20.0"
PCYawTurnFactor = "20.0"


VehiclePosition = "common.vehiclepositions.gunner"

FirstPerson = "rep\repsccam;rep_1st_cockpit_securitycam"
ForceMode = "2"
ThirdPersonFOV = "55"

EyePointOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 2.0 -4.0"
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
TiltValue = "0.0"
ForceMode = 1

TurretNodeName = "aimer_y_back_r"

PitchRate = "1"
PitchFilter = "3.75"
TurnRate = "1"
TurnFilter = "3.75"

WeaponName = "rep_weap_walk_atot_rear_gun"
WeaponAmmo = "0"

YawLimits = "90.0 180.0"
PitchLimits = "-5.0 30.0"

HierarchyLevel = 1
AimerNodeName = "aimer_y_back_r"
AimerPitchLimits = "0.0 0.0"
AimerYawLimits = "90.0 180.0"
FirePointName = "hp_fire_back_r"

NextAimer = "-"

AimerNodeName = "aimer_x_back_r"
AimerPitchLimits = "0.0 0.0"
AimerYawLimits = "0.0 0.0"
FirePointName = "hp_fire_back_r"

PitchRate = "0.75"
PitchFilter = "3.75"
TurnRate = "1.25"
TurnFilter = "3.75"

//PilotPosition = "hp_main_gunner"
//PilotAnimation = "drive"

TurretYawSound = "turret_whir_yaw_lp"
TurretYawSoundPitch = "0.7"
TurretPitchSound = "turret_whir_pitch_lp"
TurretPitchSoundPitch = "0.7"
TurretAmbientSound = ""
TurretActivateSound = "vehicle_equip"
TurretDeactivateSound = ""
TurretStartSound = ""
TurretStopSound = ""

PCPitchTurnFactor = "20.0"
PCYawTurnFactor = "20.0"

StompEffect = "com_sfx_walkerstomp"

WalkerOrientRoll = "1"
LegRayHitLength = "5.0"
WalkerWidth = "10.0"

LegPairCount = "2"

WalkerLegPair = "front_legs"

LegBoneLeft = "bone_b_leg1"
LegBoneRight = "bone_b_leg5"

LegBoneTopLeft = "bone_a_leg1"
LegBoneTopRight = "bone_a_leg5"

TerrainLeft = "p_-svtbo-cube40"
TerrainRight = "p_-svtbo-cube21"

FootBoneLeft = "bone_c_leg1"
FootBoneRight = "bone_c_leg5"

WalkerLegPair = "back_legs"

LegBoneLeft = "bone_b_leg4"
LegBoneRight = "bone_b_leg8"

LegBoneTopLeft = "bone_a_leg4"
LegBoneTopRight = "bone_a_leg8"

TerrainLeft = "p_-svtbo-cube30"
TerrainRight = "p_-svtbo-cube13"
FootBoneLeft = "bone_c_leg4"
FootBoneRight = "bone_c_leg8"

PassengerSlots = "5"
PassengerEyePoint = "hp_passenger1"
PassengerEyePoint = "hp_passenger2"
PassengerEyePoint = "hp_passenger3"
PassengerEyePoint = "hp_passenger4"
PassengerEyePoint = "hp_passenger5"
EyePointOffset = "5.0 3.0 -10.0"

VOUnitType = 127
StompDetectionType = "1"
FootstepSound0 = "com_weap_layered_at_step"
FootstepSound1 = "com_weap_layered_at_step"
FootstepSound4 = "com_weap_layered_at_step"
FootstepSound5 = "com_weap_layered_at_step"
//HydraulicSound = "walkerservo"
//HydraulicSoundHeight = "0.5"
DeathSound = "imp_weap_ord_exp_lg"
VehicleCollisionSound ="com_veh_collision_lg"
CISMusic ="cis_vehicle"
RepMusic ="rep_vehicle"
MusicSpeed = "0.3"
MusicDelay = "3.0"

FoleyFXGroup = "metal_foley"[/code]
Many thanks and sorry again by bother you :D

Offtopic: Muchas gracias campeon

Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 2:50 am
by Havoc 526
Wow! Very nicely done!

Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:45 pm
by jojo3450
so what do i put in

Code: Select all

--  Level Stats
    --  ClearWalkers()
    AddWalkerType(0, 4) -- special -> droidekas
    AddWalkerType(1, 0) -- 1x2 (1 pair of legs)
    AddWalkerType(2, 0) -- 2x2 (2 pairs of legs)
    AddWalkerType(3, 0) -- 3x2 (3 pairs of legs)
and do i put

Code: Select all


Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:38 pm
by jedimoose32
I don't know about the AddWalkerType bit, but you definitely want to include SetMemoryPoolSize("CommandWalker", [#ofwalkers])

Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:09 pm
by ForceMaster
I add this to my map like 3 pairs of legs walker. The same for AT-TE.

Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:50 am
by jojo3450
do I need to munge the animation for sitting and if so what should I call it? thanks
edit: nvm I got it to work I only have to say one thing the soldiers get stuck in it

Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 6:51 am
What do you mean, 'get stuck in it'? Do the AI get stuck on the model somewhere, or do they refuse to leave the vehicle?

Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 4:05 pm
by jojo3450
they climb up the ramp and keep walking inside of it stuck

Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:52 pm
by correctmushroom2013
When I place it on my map, game crashes!

Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:36 pm
by LitFam
Nothing like a good o’ll topic Bump :quotes:

Re: Republic AT-OT (By ForceMaster)

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:34 pm
by Mefutaku
This looks GREAT! I might just replace the AT-TE with this...