redgroupclan wrote:Alright, just back from vacation and I get to try this out!
Although I dont really understand everything...
¤A polygon has to be in one and only one cluster at a time.
¤Each cluster must have a local copy of a material (the material name will be italicized = BAD, double click to edit and make a local copy)
¤There has to be one and only one texture projection (can someone say how to collapse a lot of them into one explicit uv map?)
There has to be a null as the parent of everything.Does this mean drag all objects under dummyroot?
You cannot use rotation or scale (well you can use them, but remember to freeze transforms before exporting).
You can only use a max of 5000-6000 triangles (polys times two). If you go over that, you're pushing your luck. ZE will freeze/lock up.
I dont understand most of that...
Things in red I fully dont understand
Blue = I think I may have an idea but Im not sure
Normal=I dont really care
Try to get past my terrible comprehension lol. Still new to XSI
Please try to clear things up for me.
I don't understand one and two myself, but three means it must all be cubic projection, spherical projection, etc. or have the same UV's.
Four, press eight, grab each cube or whatever and drag it under the null in the explorer, but the null MUST BE CALLED dummyroot!<-IMPORTANT. Five, if you use mod tool, you have to look towards the bttom right corner of the screen. There is a button the sayse modeling in the Freeze section.Six, press ctrl+shift. A pop-up box comes up, look around until you see "triangles". The number is the poly count x2. Any expert modelers can clear up one and two for both of us and correct me if I'm wrong.