Walking Bantha and Dewback

Releasing the source files for your mod or map? Post em' here. (Applies to both SWBF1 & SWBF2)

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Re: Walking Bantha and Dewback

Post by redgroupclan »

You said to spawn them as locals, couldnt it be possible to just place them in the map like normal ODF's?
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Re: Walking Bantha and Dewback

Post by FragMe! »

Never tried, I think they would just stand there as they don't have an objective. Unless you created and ally path for them to follow and state that in the ODF but I am still not sure if it would work.
you can try and let us know how it works :D
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Re: Walking Bantha and Dewback

Post by redgroupclan »

So would I create a path (AllyPath1), then go to the ODF and insert a code applying to following AllyPath1? (such as Follow=AllyPath1)?

not to inept with scripting yet...
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Re: Walking Bantha and Dewback

Post by FragMe! »

You could try that, I haven't done a whole lot with pathfollower so I can't say for sure.
Have a look at some of the other walkers and worlds see if the have pathfollowing in them.
I am thinking maybe hoth or endor
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Re: Walking Bantha and Dewback

Post by redgroupclan »

Still working on the 'placing them as ODFs'. Though theres something wrong...
Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_bantha' has FootBoneRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_bantha' has LegBoneRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_bantha' has LegBoneTopLeft tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_bantha' has LegBoneTopRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_bantha' has FootBoneLeft tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_bantha' has FootBoneRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_bantha' has FootBoneRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_bantha' has LegBoneRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_bantha' has LegBoneTopLeft tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_bantha' has LegBoneTopRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_bantha' has FootBoneLeft tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_bantha' has FootBoneRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_dewback' has FootBoneRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_dewback' has LegBoneRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_dewback' has LegBoneTopLeft tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_dewback' has LegBoneTopRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_dewback' has FootBoneLeft tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_dewback' has FootBoneRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_dewback' has FootBoneRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_dewback' has LegBoneRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_dewback' has LegBoneTopLeft tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_dewback' has LegBoneTopRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_dewback' has FootBoneLeft tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!

Message Severity: 3
Walker 'tat_walk_dewback' has FootBoneRight tag before AnimationName or SkeletonName!
Those errors are the cause of my map to crash, if I can get them out of the way I can see if they can be placed as normal ODFs with a path to follow.
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Re: Walking Bantha and Dewback

Post by FragMe! »

Those error messages suggest that either you are missing the AnimationName = "dewback" line or you have it have after the lines that declare the legbones or it simply won't work as you are trying to do it and that is the resultant error.

It is saying it is trying to set the legbone and footbone animation values to something it can't find

//*********** ANIMATION VALUES ****************

LegPairCount = "2"

WalkerLegPair = "front_legs"

LegBoneLeft = "bone_fl_thigh"
LegBoneRight = "bone_fr_thigh"

LegBoneTopLeft = "bone_fl_thigh"
LegBoneTopRight = "bone_fr_thigh"

//TerrainLeft = "p_-t-foot_fl"
//TerrainRight = "p_-t-foot_fr"

FootBoneLeft = "bone_fl_foot"
FootBoneRight = "bone_fr_foot"

WalkerLegPair = "back_legs"

LegBoneLeft = "bone_bl_thigh"
LegBoneRight = "bone_br_thigh"

LegBoneTopLeft = "bone_bl_thigh"
LegBoneTopRight = "bone_br_thigh"

//TerrainLeft = "p_-t-foot_bl"
//TerrainRight = "p_-t-foot_br"

FootBoneLeft = "bone_fl_foot"
FootBoneRight = "bone_fr_foot"
Post the ODF you are trying to use
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Re: Walking Bantha and Dewback

Post by redgroupclan »

ClassLabel = "walker"
GeometryName = "tat_inf_dewback.msh"

FollowPath = "tat_walk_dewback"

//*********** VEHICLE VALUES AND INFO *********

// /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|
VehicleType = "medium"
AISizeType = "medium"
NoCombatInterrupt = "1"
ReserveOneForPlayer = "0"
//CockpitTension = 15
//ForceMode = "2"
PilotType = "self"
Label = "DEWBACK"
VehiclePosition = "common.vehiclepositions.pilot"
MapTexture = "dewback_icon"
HealthTexture = "HUD_imp_atat_icon"
MapScale = "1.5"

GeometryName = "tat_inf_dewback"
AnimationName = "dewback"

//HACK to add "imp_walk_atat1" to the req file
AnimationExtraFile = "dewback1"
//FirstPerson = "IMP\impATAT;imp_1st_cockpit_atat"
FirstPersonFOV = "53"

MaxHealth = "8000.0"
Healthtype = "animal"

// dont know if these are working for vehicles but it would be cool
ScanningRange = "60.0"
TransmitRange = "60.0"

SteerAtYawLimit = "1"
SteerAtStrafeLimit = "0"
CorrectAimForSteering = "1"
SteerTowardAimFactor = "0.0"
ReverseBackwardSteering = "1" //steer in reverse like a car - ThrustAngleToStrafe works more intuitively this way
ThrustAngleToStrafe = "50" //should match yaw limit or 0.0
ThrustAngleToTurn = "67.5" //thrust angle to reach full forward turn speed
ThrustAngleToStop = "78.0" //thrust angle to turn in place

//*********** MOVEMENT VALUES *****************

Acceleraton = "1.0"
MaxSpeed = "1.0"
MaxStrafeSpeed = "0.0"
MaxTurnSpeed = "0.2"

PCMaxYawSpeed = 0.5
PCMaxTurnSpeed = 0.5
PCPitchRate = .6

PitchRate = 0
PitchFilter = 0
TurnRate = 0
TurnFilter = 0

StoppedTurnSpeed = "0.05"
ForwardTurnSpeed = "0.03"
TurnThreshold = "0.35"

//*********** CAMERA VALUES *******************

EyePointOffset = "0.0 0.0 9.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 4.5 1.0"
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.0 6.5"
TiltValue = "8"

PitchLimits = "-0.5 0.5"
YawLimits = "-5 5"
PitchTurnFactor = "0.5"
YawTurnFactor = "0.5"

//*********** VISUAL EFFECTS ******************

StompEffect = "bigwalkerstomp"
StompDecal = "decal_atat_footprint"
StompDecalSize = "2.5"

DeathShakeDelay = "3.5"
DeathShakeForce = "1.0"
DeathShakeDuration = "1.0"
DeathShakeRadius = "30.0"

//*********** ANIMATION VALUES ****************

LegPairCount = "2"

WalkerLegPair = "front_legs"

LegBoneLeft = "bone_fl_thigh"
LegBoneRight = "bone_fr_thigh"

LegBoneTopLeft = "bone_fl_thigh"
LegBoneTopRight = "bone_fr_thigh"

//TerrainLeft = "p_-t-foot_fl"
//TerrainRight = "p_-t-foot_fr"

FootBoneLeft = "bone_fl_foot"
FootBoneRight = "bone_fr_foot"

WalkerLegPair = "back_legs"

LegBoneLeft = "bone_bl_thigh"
LegBoneRight = "bone_br_thigh"

LegBoneTopLeft = "bone_bl_thigh"
LegBoneTopRight = "bone_br_thigh"

//TerrainLeft = "p_-t-foot_bl"
//TerrainRight = "p_-t-foot_br"

FootBoneLeft = "bone_fl_foot"
FootBoneRight = "bone_fr_foot"

ClassLabel = "walker"
GeometryName = "tat_inf_bantha.msh"

FollowPath = "tat_walk_bantha"

//*********** VEHICLE VALUES AND INFO *********

// /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|
VehicleType = "medium"
AISizeType = "medium"
NoCombatInterrupt = "1"
ReserveOneForPlayer = "0"
CockpitTension = 15
//ForceMode = "2"
PilotType = "self"
Label = "AT-AT"
VehiclePosition = "common.vehiclepositions.pilot"
MapTexture = "atat_icon"
HealthTexture = "HUD_imp_atat_icon"
MapScale = "1.5"

GeometryName = "tat_inf_bantha"
AnimationName = "bantha"
ClothODF = "bantha_cloth"

//HACK to add "imp_walk_atat1" to the req file
AnimationExtraFile = "bantha1"
//FirstPerson = "IMP\impATAT;imp_1st_cockpit_atat"
FirstPersonFOV = "53"

//PilotPosition = "hp_rider"
//PilotAnimation = "drive"

MaxHealth = "8000.0"
Healthtype = "animal"

// dont know if these are working for vehicles but it would be cool
ScanningRange = "60.0"
TransmitRange = "60.0"

SteerAtYawLimit = "1"
SteerAtStrafeLimit = "0"
CorrectAimForSteering = "1"
SteerTowardAimFactor = "0.0"
ReverseBackwardSteering = "1" //steer in reverse like a car - ThrustAngleToStrafe works more intuitively this way
ThrustAngleToStrafe = "50" //should match yaw limit or 0.0
ThrustAngleToTurn = "67.5" //thrust angle to reach full forward turn speed
ThrustAngleToStop = "78.0" //thrust angle to turn in place

//*********** MOVEMENT VALUES *****************

Acceleraton = "1.0"
MaxSpeed = "1.0"
MaxStrafeSpeed = "0.0"
MaxTurnSpeed = "0.2"

PCMaxYawSpeed = 0.5
PCMaxTurnSpeed = 0.5
PCPitchRate = .6

PitchRate = 0
PitchFilter = 0
TurnRate = 0
TurnFilter = 0

StoppedTurnSpeed = "0.05"
ForwardTurnSpeed = "0.03"
TurnThreshold = "0.35"

//*********** CAMERA VALUES *******************

EyePointOffset = "0.0 0.0 9.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 5.0 1.0"
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.0 6.5"
TiltValue = "8"

//AimerNodeName = "aimer_head"

PitchLimits = "-35 15"
YawLimits = "-35 35"
PitchTurnFactor = "0.5"
YawTurnFactor = "0.5"

//*********** VISUAL EFFECTS ******************

StompEffect = "bigwalkerstomp"
StompDecal = "decal_atat_footprint"
StompDecalSize = "2.5"

DeathShakeDelay = "3.5"
DeathShakeForce = "1.0"
DeathShakeDuration = "1.0"
DeathShakeRadius = "30.0"

//*********** ANIMATION VALUES ****************

LegPairCount = "2"

WalkerLegPair = "front_legs"

LegBoneLeft = "bone_fl_thigh"
LegBoneRight = "bone_fr_thigh"

LegBoneTopLeft = "bone_fl_thigh"
LegBoneTopRight = "bone_fr_thigh"

TerrainLeft = "p_leg_fl"
TerrainRight = "p_leg_fr"

FootBoneLeft = "bone_fl_foot"
FootBoneRight = "bone_fr_foot"

WalkerLegPair = "back_legs"

LegBoneLeft = "bone_bl_thigh"
LegBoneRight = "bone_br_thigh"

LegBoneTopLeft = "bone_bl_thigh"
LegBoneTopRight = "bone_br_thigh"

TerrainLeft = "p_leg_bl"
TerrainRight = "p_leg_br"

FootBoneLeft = "bone_fl_foot"
FootBoneRight = "bone_fr_foot"
Anything wrong with that?
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Re: Walking Bantha and Dewback

Post by FragMe! »

I just put both the Bantha and the Dewback just using odfs and placing them in ZE and it worked fine.

All I did was remove all side references in the lua, copied the msh, tga, odfs (the non-rider ones) and the munged anim files to the proper places in my worlds/ARG folder (msh odf and munged folders). Placed them in ZE munged, opened the map in game and there they were just walking around.
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Re: Walking Bantha and Dewback

Post by redgroupclan »

Hm and you didnt get those errors i posted before? :|
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Re: Walking Bantha and Dewback

Post by FragMe! »

Nope the only errors that I got related to the Dewback and Bantha are missing bone errors but those were only sev 2 and those are because the things don't use those bones so they weren't enveloped.
What you could try is make a junk test map (everyone should have one :D ) and try putting them in there just to see if they work and confirm you are doing things correctly. You also don't run the risk of destroying the map you are working on.

So as mentioned make the map, put the assets for the bantha and dewback into the proper folders in the maps odf, msh and munged folders (don't have any custom sides) then just place them as objects in ZE and see what happens.
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Re: Walking Bantha and Dewback

Post by redgroupclan »

Lol i was workin with a junk map when i posted those errors. now it wont open after i placed the animals in it tryin to get them to follow paths :P 3 minutes of deleting a map folder here i come :?
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Re: Walking Bantha and Dewback

Post by cloneknight »

bantha works fine for me, but still trying dewback though.
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