Ref pic:
-Legion markings revisited, they SHOULD be more refined now
-black and red armors now have the courtesy of Icemember's camo belt he made for his version of the katarns (big thanks to him)
-All of them have a better boot sole now
-Yeah and the blue one has got a white shine visor (yeah you all like that don't ya >:D)
-All have a different belt design too
-ALL these skins are compatible with both the stock version AND the remastered_clone model by Ice too (sort of a thank you, and his model is more optimized for how the clone armor looked like I.E theres the head fin now)
U guys are free to dirty/smear/desaturatefully as much as u want with these relatively clean skins, just give credit where credit is due.
So, link time:
[fixed] DL LINK:
CREDITS (A huge wall of thanks)
-Me, CodaRez, for re-skinning the ep3(even though the blue is basically a 501st rip-off )
-Special recognition: ggtcuk, he made the skins first(no blue one though), and I checked inside his .tgas for some structure help(but I SWEAR i did not directly
rip off any parts of his)
-Labj, his clone parts were a LIFE SAVER.
-Icemember, for A. Making the camo belt B. applying it to another belt design on my request and C. making remastered_clones(which I took the parts for which
to make this compatible with it) and also D. for his skinning tut(which I learned how to *colorize* from)
-Dev's HD clone, which I stole the visor and that other belt design from. The boot soles too.
-RogueKnight, who I believe made the above skin for the HD clon.
-Dragon93, for the beginners phsII clone armor skinning guide
-Darth_Z13 for re-uploading the clean white trooper.
-B.I.G_Cookie, for getting a version of the clones forearms with no wrist pad.
-SWG, for creating these quite nice Phs II reskins, and perhaps a game deserving another thought?
-Pandemic, not only because the supplied the ORIGINAL ep3 trooper, but I ripped some insignias of their .tgas too.....
-And finally, GT nyow
So, enjoy!