Thanks, guys
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:10 pm
I just wanted to make a praise post and say thanks for this wonderful site. Ever since I came here in '09, I've seen nothing but awesomeness and the things people can do if they really tried. You've not only made Battlefront a better series, but many other things as well. Gametoast has a perfect community, and, while things may not be too great sometimes, they all work out for the best.
You've inspired me to take up things like modeling and little tidbits of game design. Whether that may be my career or not, that is difficult to see. Always in motion, the future is. But if it is, I know who to thank.
This is a shoutout to people like Maveritchell, DannBoeing, Zerted, and many others for their incredible mods, and Guru, Teancum, and all the other admins and mods for helping maintain this wonderful place. It's been an awesome 8 years, and here's hoping for another 8 . My life would be drastically different without Battlefront and Gametoast.
You've inspired me to take up things like modeling and little tidbits of game design. Whether that may be my career or not, that is difficult to see. Always in motion, the future is. But if it is, I know who to thank.
This is a shoutout to people like Maveritchell, DannBoeing, Zerted, and many others for their incredible mods, and Guru, Teancum, and all the other admins and mods for helping maintain this wonderful place. It's been an awesome 8 years, and here's hoping for another 8 . My life would be drastically different without Battlefront and Gametoast.