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RC sandcrawler mod for steam version

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:31 pm
by RED51
I'm having trouble installing the mod for the Steam version of RC. I did a google for it, but it up empty. when installing it, I changed it's path to the correct location, but even still it's not working. RC ingame is the same even with all the data in the correct place. But is it even possible to get this mod working for the Steam version at all?
I notice a few topics relating to this, but not about Steam version from what I could tell. Merge my topic to one of them if it should be staff.

Re: RC sandcrawler mod for steam version

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:55 am
by Delta 47
The Steam version is setup just like the other version isn't it? I had a hard time installing the Sandcrawler mod too when I had the game. I'm personally not a big fan of it because basically all it adds is new maps and a few skin changes of which you can get anywhere else. If the new maps aren't showing up you need to make sure they're added to the map list file in System folder. I think its like Xmaplist or something like that. I don't know if the SC mod came with one or not but you open that up in a text editor and add the maps how the other ones are listed. There will be two names, one of the file name and one of whatever name you want it to appear in-game.

In my opinion the SC mod really isn't that. I think you should try out the Republic Commando 2 mod. It adds way more than what the SC mod has and its even got a brand new campaign.