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Installing new SWRC Maps
Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 1:16 pm
by Super_Clone
I am unsuccessful with have new maps show up ingame, I put the map files in the "Maps" folder, but no avail, they still don't show up in the multiplayer list >.< Anyone know how to get 'em to show up ingame?
Re: Installing new SWRC Maps
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:40 am
by Delta 47
Sorry, didn't get a chance to see this until now. Hope I'm not too late.
To get maps to show in-game you have to edit a file in the Game Data folder. I don't remember what exactly the file is but I think its called XMapList or something similar. Unfortunately. I don't have the game anymore so I can't explain how to do it very well.
There was a utility that automatically added your map name to this file but ever since FileFront has been updated the links don't work. There was also a download for it on the RC Mod Site here but its not working either. The file is called
RCMapUtility_V.1.1.exe so search around and you may find it though I had no luck.
The tutorials for the tool (if you ever find it)
here and
Sorry I couldn't remember exactly how to do everything manually, its been a year since I last played it but any large RC mod should already come with an updated map list so it should be easy to see what theirs is and replace it with your map(s) names.
Maps in Republic commando?
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:01 am
by Master of Stickmen
How do I install maps in RC? The last thread on the subject wasnt helpful at all, and I want to know!
Topics merged -Staff
Re: Maps in Republic commando?
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:16 pm
by RogueKnight
Re: Installing new SWRC Maps
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:40 pm
by Master of Stickmen
thats just maddeningly unhelpful, no offense
Re: Installing new SWRC Maps
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:56 pm
by Frisbeetarian
I do hope you noticed the answer in this topic with which yours was merged. Not only does he answer it plenty satisfactorily, but you wouldn't have need to make this topic and get that "maddeningly unhelpful" answer if you had bothered to search.
Re: Installing new SWRC Maps
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:36 pm
by Master of Stickmen
actually i did search, and that
search was
Master of Stickmen wrote:just maddeningly unhelpful
Re: Installing new SWRC Maps
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:52 am
by RogueKnight
Master of Stickmen wrote:actually i did search, and that
search was
Master of Stickmen wrote:just maddeningly unhelpful
You obviously didn't look too hard, or you would have found the answer in both this topic
and the link I posted.
Re: Installing new SWRC Maps
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:54 pm
by Master of Stickmen
DarthRogueKnight wrote:You obviously didn't look too hard, or you would have found the answer in both this topic and the link I posted.
I know what the answer is, but I can't find the program. That's what im trying to say