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Game Making I.E thegamecreators, yoyogames ect...

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:59 pm
by Commander_Cody771
Well, I'm REALLY in to game making. Spent 70$ to buy DarkBASIC Professional and FPS Creator from TGC (thegamecreators ) and yet another (wasted) 20$ on Game Maker pro from Yo Yo games ( ) DarkBASIC Pro can make Next - Gen quality games, as can the FREE Dark GDK mad by TGC and Microsoft "Wait a minute" your probably thinking "Why is the DarkGDK free?" Well my friend that's because it's a little harder to learn and can't use some of the addon packs that DBPro uses. Happy game making!

EDIT: Shoot I didn't mean to make this topic in Game Modding - Other. Mods/Admins if you feel like you need to move this I'm really sorry.

EDIT 2: Also when I said "and yet another (wasted) 20$ on Game Maker pro" That kinda sounds like I wasted money on TGC's stuff too. I didn't. It was just Game Maker Pro.

Re: Game Making I.E thegamecreators, yoyogames ect...

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:19 pm
by Teancum
I know we've had this discussion before, but I couldn't ever pay the 'retail' price for a game engine unless I was looking to professionally make a game. There's just too many open source games out there with lots of documentation to want to mess with a packaged deal. Plus most of those make you learn their scripting language.

As far as the ability to make things look next-gen -- I'll admit that's really cool, but when it comes down to it I can count on one hand the number of community-made video games that have next-gen graphics. For example, there's this engine called Quake 2 Overdose that's been going 'next gen' for years now. As far as the tech is concerned, they're keeping up, but they have yet to release one public "Demo" with that tech. Shoot, they don't even have player models. I guess my point is not to worry about next-gen. If it looks somewhere between Quake III --> SWBF1/2 --> Half-Life 2 it's more than pretty enough for a mod.

Gameplay > Graphics. I've played (and still play) games that look horrible to today's standards, but they still rock.

As far as development I've tinkered some with porting a game called GuitarFun (Guitar Hero clone) to the old Xbox, but never got sound nor controller support to work. Since you have to have an adapter (no Xbox 1 guitars) to play it on there anyways I just dumped it.

Re: Game Making I.E thegamecreators, yoyogames ect...

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:18 pm
by Commander_Cody771
But you see Tean, the stuff I just posted about is REALLY easy to learn and do stuff with. I'm not denying that the Quake engine is good. But it's alot harder.