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Evolve (and other potential Xfire substitutes)

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:23 pm
by [TFA]Padawan_Fighter
I was wondering if anybody's using Evolve after the fall of Xfire as an IM system. If you don't know what that is, it's essentially exactly the same as Xfire, with some added Hamachi-like VPN capabilities. Along with the ability to share with other accounts, being able to communicate with people from other IM programs (a feature that Raptr shares, but I never really liked it).

I've been using it ever since Xfire shut down, and if you got it early you could have synced up Xfire data with it, which is what I did.

Unfortunately because Xfire shut down its IM I've lost a lot of people, some I might never see again. A few are here on GT though so I can try to get them back that way ;)

Do most people just use Steam now after Xfire died? If not, what programs have you adopted? What's your username, so I can add you?

Re: Evolve (and other potential Xfire substitutes)

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:49 pm
by Marth8880
Yeah, I'm pretty sure most people just moved on to Steam. My Steam ID is the same as Xfire, Marth8880. ;) I'll show up as [GT] Bran, though.