It's similar to Uno, but I think it'll be more fun. What you have to do is get rid of all your cards as fast as possible, and you can only put down cards if the color or picture matches. Like Uno. Except there are a lot of different and cool cards. I'm yet to write out the official rules, so I'll post them here once I'm done writing them. I'm also yet to have the cards in real life, but I'll be going to some card making shop over the weekend to make them. However, for now you can just enjoy all the artwork I did for them in the link below.
I'll be posting some real life photos once I have the cards made. I might even upload a video!
If you have any comments about this, please tell me!
Re: DINO - A Card Game
Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:10 pm
by Zapattack1234
I like the idea, card games have always been fun
Re: DINO - A Card Game
Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:33 pm
by Noobasaurus
My dad suggested that before I go and get them printed onto card paper I should simply print and cut them out to see how it plays. I'm doing that now and I'll see how fun it is over the next few days.
EDIT: I just played a game with my dad and he went back to watching his hockey game after I got a draw 7.
EDIT2: I made the colors bigger so they're able to be seen more easily and removed the pink and yellow colors. The yellow was extremely difficult to see and the pink looked identical to the red. You can see the updated pictures in the "V2" folder in the link in the first post.
Re: DINO - A Card Game
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:50 pm
by the best
Very cool! I always enjoy and commend simple ideas like this, a lot of times people like to make super complicated games, and though it's only my opinion, complicated games usually are a turn off for me. I noticed you said you already have a shop ready to go to, but when you are feeling like moving further in your development stages, I made a card game with some people in order to further our art skills, and we used The Game Crafter which is online, and if you ever wanted to go commercial with it it's a great place to promote your product as there's tons of like minded people looking for those types of games to beta test, buy, and generally help out. When I did it I think it was about $6-7 for a 60 card deck? I don't remember exactly, but their website has changed quite a bit in the past few years and they have better offers for promoting your own game now. Printing cards right from a shop where you live will probably be cheaper, but the website I suggested is just an idea if you're looking for something like that. Best of luck!
Hey the best, thanks for commenting on my card game. Using the website you linked, I was able to make and order a 106 card deck along with a 108 card box. The number of cards was originally 128, but there weren't any boxes that could hold that many, so I had to lessen the amount of cards. However, I'm really excited for these cards as they have a back and will be printed on actual card paper, not just printer paper. I've been using the paper cards nearly every day at my school for the past month, and everyone seems to enjoy it. Game lengths are extremely random.
I'll get them sometime this month, and I'll probably be able to play with them later next month, as I'll be on vacation for most of June. After playing with them for a while, I may set up a shop on that website for anyone who wants them.
I might also make official rules for them, but rules are so difficult to make because you have to close every gap that might occur. I already have alpha rules, but they need some additions.
Re: DINO - A Card Game
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:03 pm
by the best
Wow cool! Glad to hear, you should definitely keep playing them with friends for when you're ready to make official rules. Just an idea but for a card game I've done before, the rules would have been too complicated written out, and in order to keep it simple to understand it was very visual and showed examples of scenarios, layout of the game mid-game, and anatomies of each type of card, etc. There weren't any paragraphs of words, only bullet points next to visual aids. Granted I don't know what your alpha rules are like exactly nor have I experienced your game to know what kind of explanation I might need but it's just a thought for later on, it seems simple to understand so the "rule book" could probably be simple also.
Re: DINO - A Card Game
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:43 pm
by Loopy53
Can I have the alpha rules so I have a better idea of how the game works?
Re: DINO - A Card Game
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:58 pm
by Noobasaurus
The alpha rules are below. I still need to look at the Uno rules and use them as a template to close all gaps. (No card trading, no stealing people's cards, no placing more than one card, etc)
Dino Official Rules
The Beginning
In the beginning of the game, the cards are shuffled randomly and five cards are given out to each player. The remaining cards are placed face down in a pile in the middle. This is the deck. The card on top of the deck is then flipped over face up and placed next to the deck. The person to the left of the dealer goes first.
Playing the Game
To win, you must be the first to have zero cards. Cards may only be placed if the symbol or color matches with the card before it next to the deck. Cards are placed face up. Black, purple, or rainbow cards may be placed on any card. If you do not have a card that you can place, then you can draw up to three cards from the deck. If you do not draw a card that you can place from those three cards, then your turn is skipped.
Special Cards
In Dino, there are some cards that have special abilities. Some say draw three, which makes the next player in line have to draw three before playing a card. Others have a rainbow color in the corner, which means that they can be played on any card and after it is played, the person who played it may choose the color that is required for the next person to play. Others may have a combination of effects, such as a skip and a draw. If so, the card will skip the next person in line and the skipped person will have to draw cards.
The Trio
There are three very special cards in Dino. These cards are the Nathan, the Dino, and the Draw 7. If the Nathan card is played by itself, it can be played on any color but the user must draw five cards. If the Dino card is played by itself, the next player will be skipped and be required to draw five cards. If the Draw 7 card is played by itself, it will require the next player to draw 7 cards and the user may choose a color that the next player will be required to place. However, if a player has all three of these cards at the same time, they win the game.
Once my cards come, I'll probably make a gameplay video of players using certain cards to give people an overview of how the game is played.
@the best: I may also give your idea a try in case anyone found these instructions difficult to understand. Some cards are just crazy, as seen above. A picture and short description could be useful. Example scenarios would also be good if I decide to make this type of rules.
BUMP: The cards arrived! They're awesome! Here's a picture of them.
I'm going to make some sort of gameplay video/epic trailer for them next month. Stay tuned!
Re: DINO - A Card Game
Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:58 pm
by the best
They look good! Great work so far
Re: DINO - A Card Game
Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:08 am
by Noobasaurus
Big bump, but it was promised.
So here you go: DINO - A Card Game (the movie)
Click the picture to watch.
Re: DINO - A Card Game
Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:01 pm
by CressAlbane
Well then.
Shuffling cards is fun.
Re: DINO - A Card Game
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:08 pm
by Noobasaurus
We made him practice for at least twenty minutes prior to filming, but he still failed, and that was coincidentally one of his biggest fails. One of our other actors could shuffle and I was going to cut to a close up of him shuffling, but I couldn't catch the motion in time. He kept on messing up because he was going too slow. So I said, "Whatever, we'll just have Nico shuffle."
I just hoped that someone would find some comedic value in that scene.
What? Huh? Did someone just say...DINO 2?
Yes, that's correct, DINO 2 is here. With over 140 cards and tons of new specials, you'll never be bored! Best played with 4-12 people.
The cards are actually a lot higher quality this time. They aren't just cheap cardstock. There is a glossy finish on them and they actually feel nice when you hold them. The DINO 1 cards were getting a little bit dirty. DINO 2 is significantly superior to DINO 1 in my opinion.
And yes, video coming soon™
Rules for DINO 2
How to Play
Each player is dealt five cards at the start of the game. Each player has a turn after the next player in a clockwise rotation. The first player is to the left of the dealer.
The first card from the face down deck is flipped face up next to the deck and is the first card on the new deck of placed cards. If it is an action card, its effects do not take place. The first player now can begin. In order to place a card, it must match either the color or symbol of the card placed before it. There are exceptions to this rule stated below. Once a player has played a card, then their turn is over and the next person can go. If a player does not have any cards that they can or want to place, then they must draw up to three cards from the deck. If they do not pick up any cards that can be played, then their turn is skipped. Usually only one card can be placed per turn, but there are some exceptions to this.
How to Win
There are three ways to win. The most common way to win is to have zero cards. Another way to win is to have the DINO, DRAW 7, and NATHAN in your hand. The last way to win is to have three CAPTAIN JACK SPARROWs in your hand.
Additional Rules
There is absolutely no card trading, stealing, lending, breaking, wrecking, bribing, eating, or ripping unless otherwise stated by a card. Anyone caught violating these rules will disqualify everyone in the game from winning.
On the fourth Thursday in November, every player will start with seven cards for a Thanksgiving feast.
On the twenty fifth of December, every player will start with seven cards for a Christmas party. Additionally, when the GIVE card is played the user can give the next player two cards instead of one.
A speedround is played when people are low on time or want a fast game. All the rules are the same except every player is dealt three cards instead of five. Game lengths usually range from less than thirty seconds to ten minutes.
Action Cards
An action card is any card that has a draw, skip, place, or give effect attached to it. Cards with a rainbow background can be played on any color and the user also has to choose a color for the next player to use.
DRAW 3 - The next player has to draw three cards.* SKIP DRAW 2 - The next player is skipped and also has to draw two cards.* REVERSE - The flow of the game changes to the opposite direction. GIVE - After placing this card, the user can give one of their cards to the next player. This can be any card. STREAK - The user can play all of their cards of a certain color in one turn. The user can choose what color they want. Only the top card will affect the next player. A rainbow card cannot be played as the last card. FUEGO - This card can only be played on a red or orange card. The user can choose to either play one additional card on top of the FUEGO or make everyone (excluding the user) in the game draw one card.* ICE - This card can only be played on a blue or green card. The next player(s) are skipped. The amount of players skipped is equal to the amount of cards the user holds after playing the ICE. DOUBLE - The next player has to draw as many cards as they have.* SWITCH HANDS - The user has to switch all of their cards with the next player. If this is the user's last card, then they do not win and instead the next player wins. SKIP - The next player's turn is skipped. SKIP 2 - The next two players' turns are skipped. PLACE 2 - The user can place any two additional cards on top of it. If these cards have effects, all of them will affect the next player(s) in the order that they are placed. If any of the cards placed in addition to a PLACE 2 have a rainbow color, then the user can choose what color must be played next, regardless of what card was placed on the top. MAKE IT RAIN - The user can place down half of their cards after placing this card in the same turn. If the user has an odd number of cards, then they can put down half of their amount of cards minus one. For example, if the user has two cards and plays the MAKE IT RAIN, then they cannot play their last card in the same turn. Only the top card will affect the next player(s). DRAW 7 - The next player has to draw seven cards.* DINO - This card can be played on any color. The next player has to draw five cards and their turn is skipped. Additionally, the user can choose the color that must be played next. NATHAN - This card can be played on any color. The user has to draw five cards. The next player can place any color on it. However, if the NATHAN is used with a PLACE 2 or MAKE IT RAIN, then the user does not have to draw any cards. If the NATHAN is played alone as a player's last card, then they do not win and still are required to draw five cards.
*If the next player does not have any cards that they can place after drawing, then they have to draw up to three more. If they still do not have any cards to place, then their turn is skipped. A player is not required to use a card if they have one that can be played.
Cards in the Deck
There should be exactly 144 cards in the deck each game.
Action Cards
Streak x2
Draw 7 x1
Ice x1
Fuego x1
Skip x4
Skip 2 x4
Draw 3 x8
Skip Draw 2 x3
Give x4
Double x2
Reverse x13 (1 rainbow)
Make it Rain x2
Switch Hands x1
Place 2 x4
Captain Jack Sparrow x4
Right now on that store page all the images are just placeholders. I'll have new ones eventually. You also don't get a copy of the rules (lol) if you buy it there, but you can just print out the ones I posted above.