Rules for DINO 2
How to Play
Each player is dealt five cards at the start of the game. Each player has a turn after the next player in a clockwise rotation. The first player is to the left of the dealer.
The first card from the face down deck is flipped face up next to the deck and is the first card on the new deck of placed cards. If it is an action card, its effects do not take place. The first player now can begin. In order to place a card, it must match either the color or symbol of the card placed before it. There are exceptions to this rule stated below. Once a player has played a card, then their turn is over and the next person can go. If a player does not have any cards that they can or want to place, then they must draw up to three cards from the deck. If they do not pick up any cards that can be played, then their turn is skipped. Usually only one card can be placed per turn, but there are some exceptions to this.
How to Win
There are three ways to win. The most common way to win is to have zero cards. Another way to win is to have the DINO, DRAW 7, and NATHAN in your hand. The last way to win is to have three CAPTAIN JACK SPARROWs in your hand.
Additional Rules
There is absolutely no card trading, stealing, lending, breaking, wrecking, bribing, eating, or ripping unless otherwise stated by a card. Anyone caught violating these rules will disqualify everyone in the game from winning.
On the fourth Thursday in November, every player will start with seven cards for a Thanksgiving feast.
On the twenty fifth of December, every player will start with seven cards for a Christmas party. Additionally, when the GIVE card is played the user can give the next player two cards instead of one.
A speedround is played when people are low on time or want a fast game. All the rules are the same except every player is dealt three cards instead of five. Game lengths usually range from less than thirty seconds to ten minutes.
Action Cards
An action card is any card that has a draw, skip, place, or give effect attached to it. Cards with a rainbow background can be played on any color and the user also has to choose a color for the next player to use.
DRAW 3 - The next player has to draw three cards.*
SKIP DRAW 2 - The next player is skipped and also has to draw two cards.*
REVERSE - The flow of the game changes to the opposite direction.
GIVE - After placing this card, the user can give one of their cards to the next player. This can be any card.
STREAK - The user can play all of their cards of a certain color in one turn. The user can choose what color they want. Only the top card will affect the next player. A rainbow card cannot be played as the last card.
FUEGO - This card can only be played on a red or orange card. The user can choose to either play one additional card on top of the FUEGO or make everyone (excluding the user) in the game draw one card.*
ICE - This card can only be played on a blue or green card. The next player(s) are skipped. The amount of players skipped is equal to the amount of cards the user holds after playing the ICE.
DOUBLE - The next player has to draw as many cards as they have.*
SWITCH HANDS - The user has to switch all of their cards with the next player. If this is the user's last card, then they do not win and instead the next player wins.
SKIP - The next player's turn is skipped.
SKIP 2 - The next two players' turns are skipped.
PLACE 2 - The user can place any two additional cards on top of it. If these cards have effects, all of them will affect the next player(s) in the order that they are placed. If any of the cards placed in addition to a PLACE 2 have a rainbow color, then the user can choose what color must be played next, regardless of what card was placed on the top.
MAKE IT RAIN - The user can place down half of their cards after placing this card in the same turn. If the user has an odd number of cards, then they can put down half of their amount of cards minus one. For example, if the user has two cards and plays the MAKE IT RAIN, then they cannot play their last card in the same turn. Only the top card will affect the next player(s).
DRAW 7 - The next player has to draw seven cards.*
DINO - This card can be played on any color. The next player has to draw five cards and their turn is skipped. Additionally, the user can choose the color that must be played next.
NATHAN - This card can be played on any color. The user has to draw five cards. The next player can place any color on it. However, if the NATHAN is used with a PLACE 2 or MAKE IT RAIN, then the user does not have to draw any cards. If the NATHAN is played alone as a player's last card, then they do not win and still are required to draw five cards.
*If the next player does not have any cards that they can place after drawing, then they have to draw up to three more. If they still do not have any cards to place, then their turn is skipped. A player is not required to use a card if they have one that can be played.
Cards in the Deck
There should be exactly 144 cards in the deck each game.
Action Cards
Streak x2
Draw 7 x1
Ice x1
Fuego x1
Skip x4
Skip 2 x4
Draw 3 x8
Skip Draw 2 x3
Give x4
Double x2
Reverse x13 (1 rainbow)
Make it Rain x2
Switch Hands x1
Place 2 x4
Captain Jack Sparrow x4
56 total
Normal Cards
Dingbat x8
Whale Rabbit x8
Candy x8
Spaghetti x8
Cool Kids x8
Fab 4 x8
Shoe x8
Chill x8
Girl x8
Ice Cream x8
Spork x8
88 total