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Marble Hornets

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:22 pm
by Fusion
Has anyone else here ever seen this before? I was just recently reminded of it now that Season 2 has started and now I can't wait for more of it.

Basically, the series starts with the main character, Jay, receiving a bunch of tapes from his friend, Alex, from Alex's failed movie Marble Hornets. Alex told Jay to burn the tapes, but Jay started to watch them because he thought they might explain Alex's weird behavior. Most of them contain script reads, but some contained weird errors and a very odd phenomenon that no one had ever noticed when they were near him in real life. I won't say what it is, but you can probably guess, as it's in the first entry. :P

I don't advise watching these at night.

The Main Youtube Channel (Watch all of these, in order, from 1-26. Season 2 is 27 and on.)

Totheark Responses (Watch either after the first season or when they start becoming video responses around 15-19)

Jay's Twitter Account (Fun to look back on after watching the main series, still ongoing with Season 2)

It may not have much of a budget, but it's really well written and filmed. Oh, and I should probably warn users that later on this thread might have some spoilers in it when new episodes come out. There's a lot to talk about with this series.

Re: Marble Hornets

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:10 pm
by Thire
Love this series. My favorite question right now is trying to figure out who ToTheArk is. I'm not so convinced it's Alex, however I am very sure that it is Tim.
Because Tim had the same coughing problem, and Tim had the same bottle of pills.