Not sure why this is in the SWBF2 Modding section, but...
Photoshop. It costs money, but there's probably some kind of free editor out there. Just mess around.
leejawa wrote:title explains all. :cantina: :cantina: :cantina: :amidala: :greeny: :maulsaber:
Just make a picture and upload it in the avatars section of your profile page
And welcome to GT
Also you might want to check out the rules for posting here because there is a 3 smiley per post rule
Irfanview is the ultimate tool for things like Avatars and changing image size, Formats,Compression,Transparancy. It's very simple and easy for anyone to use. I use it for just about all game modding projects involving images and graphics.
SlyCoopersButt wrote:Irfanview is the ultimate tool for things like Avatars and changing image size, Formats,Compression,Transparancy. It's very simple and easy for anyone to use. I use it for just about all game modding projects involving images and graphics.
I am not sure if it is your intent, but don't throw the word "idiot" around when referring to other users. Also, spamming smileys as in your first post is unnecessary.
SlyCoopersButt wrote:Irfanview is the ultimate tool for things like Avatars and changing image size, Formats,Compression,Transparancy. It's very simple and easy for anyone to use. I use it for just about all game modding projects involving images and graphics.
dude none of that help gimp idiot
You ask for help and you call someone an idiot? Case dismissed. Locked.