None of the following may be posted or linked under any circumstance:
Ads or Spam
Real-Life Violence
Illegal or Pirated Material
What about strong language and other mature content?
You may post videos that contain language and mature content but you MUST put a warning in your post. Mature content includes strong language (swearing), acted violence, drug use or references, and sexual references. This is a family-friendly site so we need to be sure that no members accidentally come across anything that's inappropriate for them. Again, language and mature content is allowed but you MUST include a warning in the initial post.
Posts that contain plot/story content, otherwise known as SPOILERs.
When posting content that could reveal a movie, book or other form of media plot/story, such as the ending, remember that some members and visitors here do not wish to have their movie or book etc spoilered. So when posting a message in a thread that contains a spoiler use the spoiler/hide code to hide it:
Code: Select all
[hide]Text, images, etc here[/hide]
Please be sure to follow these rules so that there aren't any problems for you or the staff! Thanks for you cooperation and have fun!