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Help with uninstalling the Conversion pack 2.0?
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:22 pm
by Ghost265
I kinda got annoyed with some things that were added in the convo pack, so I tried to uninstall it. I found the file for help that was metioned on filefront and followed it's instructions and double checked on each step. I went back to BF2, and some things weren't uninstalled. Like the small box in the bottom left corner is still there saying if it is a real BF2 map, and all of them are.. so it is hard to type in commands now. And the character models are still there, which the Clone Commander is hard to cooperate with because it flashes back and forth from the original to the new one. A few more problems follow, but I won't go into that. Can you please help me remove these problems?
Re: Help with uninstalling the Conversion pack 2.0?
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:05 pm
by AQT
The things you mentioned aren't related to the Conversion Pack but rather the unofficial 1.2/1.3 patch. I suggest just doing a clean reinstallation of the game.
Re: Help with uninstalling the Conversion pack 2.0?
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:58 am
by Ghost265
The thing is, I can't. My friend is using the CD at the moment and I am running it without a disk. If I were to uninstall it, I would have to wait a few months because I don't know the next time I can see him. Also, if the things I mentioned were not in the convo pack, then did the convo include those patches? Because the only things I have installed for BF2 are the convo pack and patch 1.1. If so, are they removeable without reinstallation?
Re: Help with uninstalling the Conversion pack 2.0?
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:57 pm
by Twilight_Warrior
Okay, do you have a folder in your addon named "AAA-v1.3patch"?
Re: Help with uninstalling the Conversion pack 2.0?
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:38 pm
by Ghost265
I did, but I deleted that... it still did not help.
Re: Help with uninstalling the Conversion pack 2.0?
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:33 am
by Twilight_Warrior
Okay, here's the deal, you're going to have to reinstall the 1.3 patch. I know it sounds like a hassle, but trust me on this one.
Use this: ... atch;95405
Okay when that's done, go into the AAAv1.3-patch folder, and click on menu.bat. There should be an option that says "Uninstall v1.3 patch." That should clean up the side changes and everything.
If that doesn't work, a clean reinstall of the game is the only thing that'll get it off.