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DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:48 pm
by Akzlo
Don't know wether this should be a new topic, but i don't know where tu put it in and i didn't find a comparable question....

So: Why do the Clone Recon Troopers have the DC-17 Sniper Rifles and why don't the RC-Units have them?
Is this normal or a is it a problem concerning the installation or something else?

Sry for creating a new topic...

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:59 pm
by Teancum
For balance reasons only.

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:08 pm
by Akzlo
ah, ok xP

would be cool, because it would be far more realistic, if the rc have them.

is there an easy way to change so that an unskilled person could change that for his own use? xD

apart from that, this mod is great! i think it was a very good idea to add a new era =D the charas from KotOR look good, but there was a small demo map from a russian website ( staff edit ), which had KotOR sides, too and they look (without exaggerating) PERFECT! the author said it's ok to use this sides, but that's a little bit late =/

Anyway, it's a great mod and i love to play the old maps =D

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:22 pm
by Fluffy_the_ic
I remember hearing about a russian mod team who illegally (by US laws) imported the actual KotOR models into Battlefront, hence them being perfect.

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:57 pm
by Teancum
Akzlo wrote:ah, ok xP

would be cool, because it would be far more realistic, if the rc have them.

is there an easy way to change so that an unskilled person could change that for his own use? xD
Nope, that involves a lot of work actually, and would break online games.
Akzlo wrote:apart from that, this mod is great! i think it was a very good idea to add a new era =D the charas from KotOR look good, but there was a small demo map from a russian website (************** ), which had KotOR sides, too and they look (without exaggerating) PERFECT! the author said it's ok to use this sides, but that's a little bit late =/
Fluffy's right. Those models break copyright laws, so they'll never be anywhere near the mod.

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:03 pm
by Akzlo
thanks for answering so quickly =D

yeah, would be impossible to make them this perfect, they really look exactly like in KotOR, so of course, they are ported...

but the Revan model: as far as i can think there was no revan model to play or costume to wear in KotOR 1 or 2 (only the Starforge Robe in 1, that would work, taking this and adding the mask, hood and cape)
there was a issue about a model of revan for jk3, too. but i still think there was a playable revan in any KotOR game, so this model would not be ported... i downloaded the map far ago and the revan was really awesome =D i still dream of a battlefront with KotOR sides as perfect as from this demo map... but the sides from the new conversion map are really, really good, also because they are selfmade, they are almost perfect, just a few bugs with some black points, coming through the sith soldier's armor or malak's cape... the malak is btw. the best i saw so far.

Anyway, is there a list of heroes (a topic or something xP), which take place in the Conversion pack? i could try every map, but i'm a little bit lazy xDD

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:05 pm
by Hebes24

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:19 pm
by Akzlo
man, you guys ROCK, very quick answers =D many people don't thank the people for the answers they make, but i'm thankful, really, good work =D

One last question: every republic commando unit looks exactly (concerning the colours, things like scroch's personal bag would be too time-consuming) like they do in "real", except of RC 1207 "Sev". actually it's my favourite, but that doesn't matter xP i just want to know why where is no blood-blurred Sev like in the republic commando game, was that too difficult or something? or did you just forget it? xD in my oppinion, he looks best of the RC's, this blood all over the armor, an bloody hand imprint (in the mod, it looks more like regular "stripes" and the colour looks more dark-orange, than red...), pretty cool thing xD

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:59 pm
by Caleb1117
Actually the Russian mod Revan was ported, there was the clothing model, but also 1-2 "cinematic" models that where of Revan, I.E. The cutscene Revan(s)

Oh and Welcome to Gametoast. :)

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:20 am
by Akzlo
thx ^^ so, what about Sev?

wouldn't be that bad, if i could edit him by myself, but i'm really very unskilled, i just enjoy the very good work other people make xP Would it be difficult to edit his, yeah, Skin?

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:01 pm
by tsurugi13
Teancum wrote:For balance reasons only.
There's a lot about the RCs that is toned down for balance. The dc-17 in RC has a crazy high ROF compared to battlefront guns, and the RC pistol is way strong.

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:31 am
by Teancum
Akzlo wrote:. . .except of RC 1207 "Sev". actually it's my favourite, but that doesn't matter xP i just want to know why where is no blood-blurred Sev like in the republic commando game, was that too difficult or something? or did you just forget it?
The only thing I can say to this (I didn't do the skin) is that we won't be touching any of the RC's, even if we need to patch 2.0 for some reason. Sorry.

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:00 am
by darth bob
I saw those Russian sides and they look amazing, is there anywhere to download them? It's illegal here to actually put them in the game, but if someone else did it, its not illegal to play those sides is it? Just wondering...

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:17 am
by Aman/Pinguin
I think some moderator or admin should remove the link to that mod.

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:13 pm
by Teancum
It IS illegal to play that mod, as they did not have written permission from Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment to use those models.

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:29 pm
by Aman/Pinguin
The link is still avaible at one of the quotes you did Tean'. :wink:

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:38 pm
by Akzlo
sry for posting such an evil link =/ just want the readers to know what i'm talking about xP

i know that it is illegal, but the sides are really cool xP ok, only the sides, the map on whichthey are used is just a plain with 3 or 4 trees...

what a mess that these sides are ported, would be funny to play with them on every map or maybe a mod with a few KotOR maps, but it is and will be a dream and never reality ^^

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:44 pm
by -_-
Akzlo wrote:sry for posting such an evil link =/ just want the readers to know what i'm talking about xP

i know that it is illegal, but the sides are really cool xP ok, only the sides, the map on whichthey are used is just a plain with 3 or 4 trees...

what a mess that these sides are ported, would be funny to play with them on every map or maybe a mod with a few KotOR maps, but it is and will be a dream and never reality ^^
Although I do agree that ported models look absolutely amazing, the last thing we need here is LA lawyers unleashing their wrath of paperwork and law upon us.

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:21 pm
by Akzlo
yeah, we (i connect myself with this community, although i'm new xP) should recruit some lawyers... to make dreams come true xD but the sides from CP2.0 are really amazing too, especially because they are self-made xP but there is the one last thing they need to be perfect, to look like the ported ones... btw. would it be legal if you create them by yourself, but they look exactly like the ones in KotOR? would this be a violation of the copy rights or something else? anyway, althogh it's against balancing, i have the opinion to give the RC's the DC-17m Sniper-Rifle, just because it is more authentic... you could add a new weapon for the KUS xP also if it would disable online-gaming xP i mostly play offline via lan or just alone, but i'm just one person, and in terms of democracy, the developers should do what the majority wants ^^

Re: DC-17m Sniper Rifle?

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:24 pm
by Teancum
Yeah... not much we can do about that. Laws are laws, even with a lawyer.