Heroes (KotOR and CW up)

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Heroes (KotOR and CW up)

Post by 768th_Legion_Trooper »

So I've been playing for awhile, and I decided to do something. I went through all the maps and cataloged which map has which hero. I've only done it for the KotOR era so far, but I'll do it for the CW and GCW eras soon as well. So, lets begin.

KotOR Era:


Old Republic: Bastila Shan
Sith Empire: Darth Bandon

~Bespin: Cloud City~

Old Republic: Carth Onasi
Sith Empire: Saul Karath

~Bespin: Platforms~

Old Republic: Atton Rand
Sith Empire: Hanharr

~Concord Dawn~

Old Republic: Carth Onasi
Sith Empire: Darth Traya


Old Republic: Vrook Lamar
Sith Empire: Darth Traya


Old Republic: Jolee Bindo
Sith Empire: Darth Bandon

~Death Star~

Old Republic: Revan
Sith Empire: Darth Malak

~Endar Spire~

Old Republic: Carth Onasi
Sith Empire: Darth Bandon


Old Republic: Zaalbar
Sith Empire: Calo Nord


Old Republic: Bao-Dur
Sith Empire: Darth Sion


Old Republic: Carth Onasi
Sith Empire: Uthar Wynn

~Geonosis: Spire~

Old Republic: Bastila Shan
Sith Empire: (No hero)

~Haruun Kal~

Old Republic: Kreia
Sith Empire: Saul Karath


Old Republic: Vrook Lamar
Sith Empire: Darth Nihilus

~Jabba's Palace~

Old Republic: Atton Rand
Sith Empire: Calo Nord


Old Republic: Bastila Shan
Sith Empire: Darth Bandon

~Kamino: Tipoca City~

Old Republic: Bastila Shan
Sith Empire: Darth Malak


Old Republic: Jolee Bindo
Sith Empire: Chuundar

~Kashyyyk: Docks~

Old Republic: Bao-Dur
Sith Empire: Chuundar

~Kashyyyk: Islands~

Old Republic: Mission Vao
Sith Empire: Darth Malak


Old Republic: Bao-Dur
Sith Empire: Darth Nihilus

~Mos Eisley~

Old Republic: HK-47
Sith Empire: Calo Nord


Old Republic: Canderous Ordo
Sith Empire: Darth Sion


Old Republic: Vrook Lamar
Sith Empire: Darth Malak


Old Republic: HK-47
Sith Empire: Hanharr

~Naboo: Plains~

Old Republic: Jolee Bindo
Sith Empire: Uthar Wynn

~Naboo: Prototype~

Old Republic: Vandar Tokare
Sith Empire: Darth Traya

~Ord Ibanna~

Old Republic: Carth Onasi
Sith Empire: Calo Nord

~Polis Massa~

Old Republic: Kreia
Sith Empire: Darth Sion


Old Republic: Vrook Lamar
Sith Empire: Darth Sion

~Raxus Prime~

Old Republic: (No hero)
Sith Empire: (No hero)

~Rhen Var: Citadel~

Old Republic: Zaalbar
Sith Empire: Chuundar

~Rhen Var: Harbor~

Old Republic: (No hero)
Sith Empire: (No hero)

~Tantive IV~

Old Republic: Bastila Shan
Sith Empire: Revan

~Tatooine: Dune Sea~

Old Republic: HK-47
Sith Empire: Calo Nord


Old Republic: Mission Vao
Sith Empire: Chuundar

~Yavin 4~

Old Republic: Kreia
Sith Empire: Darth Nihilus

~Yavin 4: Arena~

Old Republic: Vandar Tokare
Sith Empire: Darth Sion

Clone Wars Era:


Republic: Kit Fisto
Confederacy: Durge

~Bespin: Cloud City~

Republic: Cin Drallig
Confederacy: Durge

~Bespin: Platforms~

Republic: Plo Koon
Confederacy: Jango Fett

~Endar Spire~

Republic: Luminara Unduli
Confederacy: Komari Vosa

~Geonosis: Spire~

Republic: Mace Windu
Confederacy: Count Dooku

~Haruun Kal~

Republic: Mace Windu
Confederacy: General Grievous

~Kamino: Tipoca City~

Republic: Sharad Hett
Confederacy: IG-88

~Kashyyyk: Docks~

Republic: Quinlan Vos
Confederacy: Komari Vosa

~Kashyyyk: Islands~

Republic: Luminara Unduli
Confederacy: General Grievous


Republic: Aayla Secura
Confederacy: IG-88

~Naboo: Plains~

Republic: Qui-gon Jinn
Confederacy: Darth Maul

~Naboo: Prototype~

Republic: Anakin Skywalker
Confederacy: Darth Maul

~Ord Ibanna~

Republic: Shaak Ti
Confederacy: Durge


Republic: Cin Drallig
Confederacy: Asajj Ventress

~Raxus Prime~

Republic: Luminara Unduli
Confederacy: Asajj Ventress

~Rhen Var: Citadel~

Republic: Jano Morel
Confederacy: Jango Fett

~Rhen Var: Harbor~

Republic: Luminara Unduli
Confederacy: Count Dooku

~Tatooine: Dune Sea~

Republic: Sharad Hett
Confederacy: Aurra Sing

~Yavin 4: Arena~

Republic: Anakin Skywalker
Confederacy: Asajj Ventress

And here's the list with characters and what maps they appear on, in alphabetical order:

KotOR Era:

Atton Rand: Bespin: Platforms, Jabba's Palace

Bao-Dur: Felucia, Kashyyyk: Docks, Methlyn

Bastila Shan: Alderaan, Geonosis: Spire, Kamino, Kamino: Tipoca City, Tantive IV

Calo Nord: Endor, Jabba's Palace, Mos Eisley, Ord Ibanna, Tatooine: Dune Sea

Canderous Ordo: Mustafar

Carth Onasi: Endar Spire, Bespin: Cloud City, Concord Dawn, Geonosis, Ord Ibanna

Chuundar: Kashyyyk, Kashyyyk: Docks, Rhen Var: Citadel, Utapau

Darth Bandon: Endar Spire, Alderaan, Dagobah, Kamino

Darth Malak: Death Star, Kamino: Tipoca City, Kashyyyk: Islands, Mygeeto

Darth Nihilus: Hoth, Methlyn, Yavin 4

Darth Sion: Felucia, Mustafar, Polis Massa, Rattatak, Yavin 4: Arena

Darth Traya: Concord Dawn, Coruscant, Naboo: Prototype

Hanharr: Bespin: Platforms, Naboo

HK-47: Mos Eisley, Naboo, Tatooine: Dune Sea

Jolee Bindo: Dagobah, Kashyyyk, Naboo: Plains

Kreia: Haruun Kal, Polis Massa, Yavin 4

Mission Vao: Kashyyyk: Islands, Utapau

Revan (Evil): Tantive IV

Revan (Good): Death Star

Saul Karath: Bespin: Cloud City, Haruun Kal

Uthar Wynn: Geonosis, Naboo: Plains

Vandar Tokare: Naboo: Prototype, Yavin 4: Arena

Vrook Lamar: Coruscant, Hoth, Mygeeto, Rattatak

Zaalbar: Endor, Rhen Var: Citadel

So there you go guys! I'll do the the other two eras later, probably next weekend, due to school. Hope this helps you guys out, if there are any mistakes tell me so I can fix them. And major things to the Conversion Pack team so we can have this awesome mod/map pack!

EDIT 1: Added Clone Wars era.

EDIT 2: If someone can tell me where I can find OOM-9, RC-1138, the Jedi Exile and T3-M4 I'd be thankful. I read Maveritchell's post and saw those names, but can't find them anywhere.
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Re: Heroes (KotOR and CW up)

Post by AQT »

You can find OOM-9 and RC-1138 in CW Hero CTF on the maps that have it. I don't know about the other two though.
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Re: Heroes (KotOR and CW up)

Post by ?????????? »

768th_Legion_Trooper wrote:EDIT 2: If someone can tell me where I can find OOM-9, RC-1138, the Jedi Exile and T3-M4 I'd be thankful. I read Maveritchell's post and saw those names, but can't find them anywhere.
Jedi Exile and T3-M4 are in kotor hunt on the Tantive but not in hero assault
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