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Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:02 am
by Teancum
Here's the long and short of it. Classic Conquest can be added to any map without issues. If the user don't have the Conversion Pack, you won't be able to see the Classic Conquest mode anyways, so you don't have to worry about crashing due to no sides. If the user does have it install he's got everything he needs, and so you only need to do some req and lua updates to get it rolling.

So, is there any interest towards a HowTo: Classic Conquest? I can show you what you need to add it to your maps.

PLEASE only vote if you are currently working on a map

Incidentally, other Conversion Pack-specific modes work the same way (Holocron, Team Dogfight, Uber, etc). If a user doesn't have the Convo Pack installed, they won't see the modes. If they do, they've got all the tools they need to play it. So *if* there's enough interest later on I'll add tuts on the other modes.

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:24 am
by MandeRek
A clear yes! :D

I really want to learn from different kind of scripts, so i can't wait to see some new ones! :D

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:56 pm
by MasterSaitek009
I'm definitely interested.

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:19 pm
by wazmol
Sure am!

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:54 pm
by Hebes24
If I was still modding, I would be interested. Sounds like a great idea.

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:55 pm
by Grev
Whats the difference between classic Conquest and Conquest?

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:15 pm
by Teancum
Classic Conquest is Battlefront 1 style.

-5 units per side
-No unlockable classes
-No award weapons
-Heroes are always there and are always AI only
-No sprinting
-Other small changes

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:30 pm
by Grev
Oh yeah! I played BF1. I had it, but I wasnt 100% sure what you meant. That would be great! But some spicing up would have to be done, or at least I think so.

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:43 pm
by Teancum
What do you mean by 'spicing up'?

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 8:09 pm
by Caleb1117
We'd need a FAQ bit first. :P

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:01 pm
by Grev
Well, knowing the folks/ downloaders down at SBFFiles, they would be all:

"This is totally r33tard.... I cant believe no more units... wow. Thats really bad...."
"This isn't cool. So lame. No jedi?!!!111one..."
"OMG!! U cant mod. U take away c00l units. Not c00l.... "

I would suggest making it seem like a new mode, other than an older version.

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:09 am
by Teancum
That's why it's a mode. That way if you know and love SWBF1 gameplay you have it, otherwise you skip right over it. Really I can't in good conscience change Classic Conquest to something that's not all about SWBF1.

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:30 am
by Grev
Good point. And there really is no way to change it...

I would love that mode!

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:03 am
by Teancum
I think you're a little confused... :lol:

The mode is already in the Pack, and has been for a long time. I'm asking if others would be interested in a how-to so they can add it to their own maps.

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:32 pm
by Grev
Teancum wrote:I think you're a little confused... :lol:

The mode is already in the Pack, and has been for a long time. I'm asking if others would be interested in a how-to so they can add it to their own maps.
Thats what I meant. I Would love the mode. As in I would love a tut so I could use the mode.

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:49 pm
by Teancum
Oh, right. :thumbs: Well then, I guess it's unanimous. I'll do the tut as soon as I get a free minute.

Re: Interest in a 'How to add Classic Conquest to your map' tut?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:30 pm
by Grev
Thanks a lot! This means a lot to the community here.