General Gametype Information thread/requests

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Re: General Gametype Information thread/requests

Post by Teancum »

(JPI)SWBF Map Grader wrote:How about changing sides on the other maps for the SWBF1 Conversion Pack 2.0? Like change the felucia sides to the 327th, the Kashyyyk to the 41st, and Utapau to the...I don't know the legion. That'd be awesome.
That'd break online compatibility.
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Re: General Gametype Information thread/requests

Post by JPI Dictator4life »

Teancum wrote:
(JPI)SWBF Map Grader wrote:How about changing sides on the other maps for the SWBF1 Conversion Pack 2.0? Like change the felucia sides to the 327th, the Kashyyyk to the 41st, and Utapau to the...I don't know the legion. That'd be awesome.
That'd break online compatibility.
Not if you do what BFX did. They had something to enable and disable the mod just for online. Plus, the BFX mod isn't accurate. All 327th troops had capes, and all the droids were the same on every map(Except w/ the nemoidians), and there were kashyyyk droids in episode 3. There were also different kinds of clone commandos, and I think there were only the stormtroopers with the thing on their arm(Dunno what it's called) only in desert and swampish maps. Plus there were no specific names for the troops. And they only had 4 or 5 specific clone legions, while there's billions of them. Now imagine the SWBF 1 conversion pack with new skins and all kinds of legions!
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Re: General Gametype Information thread/requests

Post by BF2-Master »

Here's a few mode ideas:

Hero Conquest
Plays much like normal Conquest, but instead you use normal heroes.

Bounty Hunter
You play as a Bounty Hunter faction, and all of the bounty hunters have to find a specific person on the map. (The 'person' is just a msh file placed in one of those regions like in the tuts) The first one to find it wins. Like CTF, it plays several rounds, and the person may be in a different area.

Two CPs right next to each other in one arena, one for each side, that are uncapturable. Both spawn a hero with a minimum and maximum of 1 on the field at a time. They could be real battles for some areas, like Bespin, could put Luke and Vader in the Carbonite Chamber.

Custom mode sounds awesome. May I ask, how you are able to modify it?
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Re: General Gametype Information thread/requests

Post by Fingerfood »

Just thought of a new one.

Objective Assault (space)
A single player spawn in their ship and sees 3 random ships take off. a timer starts (10 seconds) and the player must get in a vehicle and take off before the timer gets to 0 and two safety doors on the hangar shut and a huge blast occurs in the sheilded hangar. If you are in the hangar, you get "Defeat." If you get out, you see the enemy ship fighting another Capital ship of your team. (Your capital ship has been disabled, and has been abandoned [ships that took off at beginning where the last members of the ship]) You must fly into the enemy's hangar, (while the capital ship is fighting another one of your capital ships) and find aspecific spot of the ship. (There is no one aboard) then when you find the spot, you place a detpack and a timer starts. Also an alarm starts blarring. You must get out of the ship before the timer ends. Also, there is tons of badguys that appear. When you get out of the ship, it explodes, but there is TONS of fighters still attacking your other capital ship. You must get to the hangar, where you get Victory.

Spawn as Clone Pilot in Republic Capital ship. Three ships fly out, (Arc,Starfighter, and Transport) and you must get in the the V-Wing before the ten seconds are up. The ten seconds end and you barely make it out as the doors close. You see another Rep Capital Ship fighting a CIS capital Ship. You fly to the CIS ship and enter. Their is no droids around, so you go into the ships interiors. (there is added interiors). You follow the mission objective arrow to a storage room and you place a detpack there. An alarm starts and a 3 minute timer starts. You run out of the room and you see tons of droids running to the hangar. When you get to the hangar, you get back into your ship and fly out just as the detpack blows up the capital ship. You fly into space to be confronted by tons of CIS fighters fighting your other Rep Capital ship. You fly through the laserfire into the hangar and you win.
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Re: General Gametype Information thread/requests

Post by Teancum »

BF2-Master wrote:Custom mode sounds awesome. May I ask, how you are able to modify it?
Custom is just one of those things for mapper/programmers really. It's basically an empty slot that a mapper/programmer can use for their map to make whatever gametype they can code.
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Re: General Gametype Information thread/requests

Post by Maveritchell »

Some of the suggested modes in here I think I could make without much difficulty. Specifically, VIP and Counterstrike-esque "disarm-the-bomb" modes would be easy. I was also thinking of a siege mode (sort've like space assault, but on the ground and only one team with critical locations). The question lies in whether you're making new layers in the stock maps. I could probably do VIP or the Bomb mode just using the assault layer, but the seige mode would need a new ZE layer.
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Re: General Gametype Information thread/requests

Post by woner11 »

Is bomb mode the mode where if you capture a cp a bomb comes down and destroys it and all near after 10 seconds? Also Tean mentioned Vehicle mode, is this a mode where you only can play as vehicles? Also, I really like the zombie mode idea and the VIP mode. Here is my new mode idea:

Assasination Mode:

You start as a bounty hunter and have to assasinate a certain individual with your sniper rifle (you do have other weapons though, but they won't have much affect on the certain individual even if they kill the person's guards. There are decoys, but clues to find who is the real one. If you kill the wrong one the game is over. Also if you are seen or are too loud it is defeat. For the seen part you make AI vision very minimal with a one shot kill, so that they can kill you easily. For the sound, there could be random regions which trigger footsteps and if you are by them for more that two seconds you die. You could then modify this so that you are someone trying to escape thousands of hidden snipers, with you only having three guards or something.

Edit: For dueling mode you could have Mace vs. Palpatine with Anakin joining in at the end.
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Re: General Gametype Information thread/requests

Post by SFILancaster »

ok..... or u could have a new mode like mav said about the critical installations on 1 team, folks
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