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IMPORTANT: Critical Gmail security breach

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 9:15 pm
by Marth8880
Do you have a Gmail account? If so, go here and search for your e-mail address. Thankfully, mine isn't in the list, but everybody else who has a Gmail account NEEDS to search for theirs in this list. Like no seriously. You NEED to do it NOW and change your password if your e-mail address is there.Раздача-e-m ... 4/page-188

Best way to search for it is to simply use your browser's search function by pressing Ctrl+F and typing in your e-mail address.

Re: IMPORTANT: Critical Gmail security breach

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:12 pm
by Noobasaurus
Or if you have an aol or yahoo. Or an email. Luckily mine and people I know's aren't on there.

Re: IMPORTANT: Critical Gmail security breach

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:14 pm
by Marth8880
Heh. Indeed. Or I guess if you're Russian and you have one of those weird or domains lol.

Re: IMPORTANT: Critical Gmail security breach

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:48 am
by Fusion
Only 41 Gmail accounts are on there. It's entirely possible these were all obtained by social engineering and not any secret hacking backdoor shenanigans (well, outside of some of those relatively unknown email hosts). Nothing to worry about.

Re: IMPORTANT: Critical Gmail security breach

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:17 am
by Marth8880
I think they hid the posts from non-members; the page looks very different than it used to look and there were thousands of Gmail accounts when I checked.