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Attempting to learn C++ and gaming programming (Solved)

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:30 pm
by Noobasaurus
So I found this really awesome project on Github. However, it's not finished, and some of the core mechanics aren't there. I asked why, and they said that they have a private project where you have to be invited to in order to get into it. To be invited, you have to make progress on the public project. So now I want to learn C++ so that I can continue the project and hopefully get into the private project. /backstory

If you guys know of any free resources that I can use to learn C++/gaming programming, please let me know. I found a few and will start reading them soon.

Re: Attempting to learn C++ and gaming programming

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:51 pm
by AceMastermind
Noobasaurus wrote:If you guys know of any free resources that I can use to learn C++/gaming programming, please let me know. I found a few and will start reading them soon.
Which ones have you found? This will help prevent others from repeating suggestions.

3DBuzz has a few. ... s-complete

Re: Attempting to learn C++ and gaming programming

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 1:24 am
by Noobasaurus
Thanks Ace.

I'm not sure if all of the ones I've found are free but I'll list the ones I have currently. I'm not even sure if I'll use them all.
AppDev - Learning to Program Using Visual Basic
C Primer Plus, Fifth Edition
Fundamentals of Programming C++
Structured Programming with C Plus Plus
The C++ Hackers Guide
Think C Scpp
The first one is a set of videos like the ones you posted. Some of them start at my level and some of them start at higher levels so that's why I have all of them.

Re: Attempting to learn C++ and gaming programming

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 1:31 am
by Twilight_Warrior
Some of these I've used. Some of them I haven't. I also learned C++ in a class in high school, so I don't know how good they are for learning from scratch.

If you really wanna game program, though, I recommend using C# with Microsoft's XNA library, not C++. XNA is not being supported by Microsoft anymore, but a lot of people still love it so a project called MonoGame started up. A lot of best selling games have been made with MonoGame, including Bastion and Fez, and the best part is that all of the numerous existing C# and XNA tutorials (including the official ones from Microsoft) still work perfectly with it. Plus, it's cross-platform instead of Microsoft-only. ... ng_started (<- Best tutorial ever, even if you have just a basic understanding of programming)

Re: Attempting to learn C++ and gaming programming

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:09 am
by Anakin
Start with the basics. Maybe you should start with C to learn how C++ works.
Defently the most important site is this:

Re: Attempting to learn C++ and gaming programming

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:53 pm
by Noobasaurus
@TW: Thank you. I'll definitely look into those links you provided. I did try to do the tutorial on the last link you posted, but the tools they provided were not compatible with Windows 8. I did some searching around and Visual Studio 2010 isn't compatible either.

@Anakin: Thanks! I might start with there, depending on how noob-friendly it is.

I looked up the differences between C, C#, and C++ and I found out that C is the oldest. C++ is a step up with object oriented programming and C# is the "best" because it can be used in nearly everything. However, I don't need C# for what I'm trying to do. The files I need to understand are mainly C++ source and C/C++ header.

But my question is how different is C# from C++? Because to me it seems like levels. Level one is C, level two is C++, and level three is C#. I need to complete levels one and two.

Although I might be able to learn C++ without C. Maybe.

Re: Attempting to learn C++ and gaming programming

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 1:33 pm
by Anakin
I never made c# but i don't think there is a big different.
I started with c and later with c++ (studies)
I use Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate it's compatible with Win 8.1 so i think it will go with win 8, too. If you are looking for a free ware i never tested code blocks, but i know some who use this. On studie we are pleased to use Eclipse for c++ (but i cannot recommend). In Fact you also can use vim, editor, notepad++, or even Word. All you need is the compiler :P

Re: Attempting to learn C++ and gaming programming

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:13 pm
by Twilight_Warrior
Noobasaurus wrote:@TW: Thank you. I'll definitely look into those links you provided. I did try to do the tutorial on the last link you posted, but the tools they provided were not compatible with Windows 8. I did some searching around and Visual Studio 2010 isn't compatible either.
You have to install MonoGame with Visual Studio 2013. That's what I was getting at. MonoGame = XNA, but MonoGame works with Windows 8. THEN you can use that last tutorial I linked.

As for learning C/C++ first, it really doesn't matter. I started with C++, but a lot of my coursework at my University is in C. Most everything you can do in C, you can do in C++. C++ is just an Object-Oriented approach, as well.

Tl;dr don't worry about C. For now. Maybe later.

Re: Attempting to learn C++ and gaming programming

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:35 pm
by Noobasaurus
Anakin wrote:I use Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate it's compatible with Win 8.1 so i think it will go with win 8, too.
Yeah, that's what I have right now. I really like the interface and the workflow even though I don't know what anything does. I do know how to compile projects, though.
Twilight_Warrior wrote:You have to install MonoGame with Visual Studio 2013. That's what I was getting at. MonoGame = XNA, but MonoGame works with Windows 8. THEN you can use that last tutorial I linked.
OH. Okay.
Twilight_Warrior wrote:Tl;dr don't worry about C. For now. Maybe later.
Yep, I'll do that. Time to dive into tutorials! Thanks for the help guys!

Re: Attempting to learn C++ and gaming programming (Solved)

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:34 pm
by zwyx1234
Hey, I know a decent ammount of C++. Here are some of the concepts that I'm familliar with:

-Declaring and manipulating variables
-Declaring and manipulating functions with and without parameters
-Data types (like char, int, bool, float, etc.)
-If statements
-Switch or case statements
-For Loops
-While loops
-Do...While loops
-Pointers (working with memory adresses, still learning this concept)
-Classes and OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
-Header files (these are pretty straightforward)
-Having multiple files in one project
-File I/O (Still learning how to manipulate files)
-Recursion (using a function multiple times)

If you would like some help learning the above concepts, hit me up on steam, zwyx12341 (dont forget the extra 1 (one) at the end!). In my spare time I will gladly help you to learn to code in C++, should you want it. :)

As far as game programming goes, I made a tic tac toe game in C++. It's still a work in progress, but I can PM you the github link if your interested. I'm currently working on a chess game in Python, a different programming language. I know Python better than C++, but im at about an intermediate level in both languages. I also have a collection of text based games in Python. Should you want to look at those, I can upload them to github.

As far as GUI (Graphics User Interface, google if you don't know what it is) programming goes, that is a lot harder. I suggest you work your way up by making console applications (things that run in command prompt or a Linux terminal) and go from there. You can make some pretty intense programs that are completely text based. I made a program that was simillar to a journal, except it asked me pre-defined questions and I answered on a scale of 1 to 10. It then logged my answers to a text file. If you notice, I dont have much experience writing GUI's in python or C++, thats my next goal after file I/O. So yeah, GUI's are quite hard in my experience. I've attempted GUI's before, and never got very far with them.

All in all, I wish you the best of luck in your programming adventure. Should you ever want my help with coding, just shout. I have a passion for art and programming, so its not a burden on me. Just ask. :)