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How would i fix my VisualMunge? [Solved]

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:06 pm
by Dakota
here is my problem: when i was trying to make another mod my visual munge won't work. there is a runtime error in the middle of it trying to load. :shock: i have no idea what is wrong.

this happened before too. last time i fixed it by reinstaling mod tools but this time that won't work. :(

i am getting sick of all the random problems i keep getting at all times a day... :sick:

somewhat off-topic: i once used the clean feature and half of my CIS side disappeared and NEVER came back (lost the sniper, engineer, and the magna)

Re: how would i fix my munger

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:15 pm
by acryptozoo
Dakota wrote:here is my problem: when i was trying to make another mod my visual munge won't work. there is a runtime error in the middle of it trying to load. :shock: i have no idea what is wrong.

this happened before too. last time i fixed it by reinstaling mod tools but this time that won't work. :(

i am getting sick of all the random problems i keep getting at all times a day... :sick:

somewhat off-topic: i once used the clean feature and half of my CIS side disappeared and NEVER came back (lost the sniper, engineer, and the magna)
try THIS to fix your munger :D

Re: how would i fix my munger

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:26 pm
by Dakota
so this will help me fix the munger when creating a world
if this works thank you very much

but for some reason "I got a bad feeling about this..."

Edit: ok i downloaded but it is for vista :shock: and i hate vista beond what anyone else can... so i don't have vista i got XP so i am wondering will this still work? :runaway:

Edit number two: ok i tested the stuff in the download and my munger still isn't making maps, guess i just have to work with the ones i have :(

Re: how would i fix my munger

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 4:32 pm
by acryptozoo
not sure how to fix the mugner for XP

a manual clean should fix the missing units though

offtopic: satan for a day >:D

Re: how would i fix my munger

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:27 pm
by Dakota
the manual clean didn't work at all really. everything stayed the same
most people say manual clean is awesome and fixes alot of stuff
it never really helped me

everyone run away :runaway: :runaway: :runaway:

EDIT: it always messes up when rewriting the LDX file. i really need help on this because i have a bunch of great ideas to make but i can't untill i fix this. i was going to make RUSSIA but i can't untill this is fixed. can some one PLEASE help.

Re: how would i fix my munger

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:27 pm
by AceMastermind
Dakota wrote:the manual clean didn't work at all really...
Cleaning only deletes munged files, it doesn't fix user mistakes or program related problems.
Dakota always messes up when rewriting the LDX file...
You should have mentioned this in your first post, try disabling your antivirus software temporarily while you munge. ... 37&t=21789 ... 37&t=18467

Thread moved to Technical Advice and Tutorials

Re: how would i fix my munger

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:23 pm
by Dakota
I knew norton would mess things up :x
i hate that software sometimes.... :cpu:
and thanks very much for helping i thought i wouldn't be able to make anymore maps again...