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Building a railgun..... could use some help w/ capicitors

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:57 pm
by Knightfire2201
Well, if you couldn't guess from the title, I'm building a railgun. Why, you might ask? Well, for two reasons:
1.) Because I feel like it ( :yes: )
2.) To launch t-shirts for our FRC team

I bought 200 120uF 420V electrolytic capacitors, which when wired in parallel, will have a total of 420V and .024F. That should be more than enough. However, with my limited knowledge of circuitry and electronics, I hit a dead end. How am I going to charge these things? Do i just hook 'em up to a power source and let 'em sit? Do I need a 420V power source? Do I need some special setup for the wiring?

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. For that matter, any suggestions, help, comments, or random questions on anything to do with railguns would be cool.

Anyways, that's about it.