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Songbird (combining Itunes and Firefox)

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 2:41 am
by SBF_Dann_Boeing
There's a relatively new program that I found recently called "Songbird." It's still under development, though 1.0 was just released. It basically is an open source version of Itunes that also incorporates a web browser built off of the Firefox source, which allows for tabbed browsing, many different skins, addons, and various other touch-ups. It doesn't quite have all the capabilities of firefox and Itunes, but it definitely is worth a look. A good thing to point out about is the fact that while it operates both as a web browser and a media player, it only uses about the same amount of RAM as firefox (depending on what addons you have going, if any), so you'd save RAM by using this instead of using Firefox and Itunes simultaneously. It also works with any preexisting media players and if you add any songs to iTunes or whatever, it will also add them to the Songbird library, and vice versa, keeping them synchronized.

I really like the concept of combining media player with web browser, and I'll be watching closely as they make improvements. Check it out:

Re: Songbird (combining Itunes and Firefox)

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:09 pm
by Raptor522
Wow, nice find, Dann! I'll be looking into this one.

Re: Songbird (combining Itunes and Firefox)

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:42 am
by lucasfart
I honestly don't really see the need as both of those work fine simultaneously for me, and i'd be very surprised if they didn't for anyone else.....