is there some one who knows how i can
load soundfiles to BlueJ projekts,
make my own windows,
to compile the projekt so that the program can run on pc without BlueJ??
Re: Java: BlueJ251
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:25 pm
by 501st_commander
define "make my own windows".
Re: Java: BlueJ251
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:19 am
by Anakin
in german Fenster
every program is in one window(Fenster) like FireFox or Windows media Player txt-editor, word...
Re: Java: BlueJ251
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:43 pm
by computergeek
Anakin wrote:in german Fenster
every program is in one window(Fenster) like FireFox or Windows media Player txt-editor, word...
what i mean:
here is my programm:
how can i make a winow so that the player can choose the coulor of the ball?
how can i load a sound file so that for example if the player wins the yoda song runs?
and is it posible to compile the program so that someone else can run it without blueJ.
// Konstruktor public Minigolf()
derBildschirm = new sum.kern.Bildschirm(700,700);
meinStift = new sum.kern.Buntstift();
dieMaus = new sum.kern.Maus();
dieTastatur = new sum.kern.Tastatur();
derTon = new sum.multimedia.Ton();
woah, i think you may not get too much help on that type program unless its php, then i can help a ton
Re: Java: BlueJ251
Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:57 am
by Anakin
i think too
hey i read the book OOP online. the problem is there are only the first 6 kapitle online.
did someone knows where i can find the kapitle 7??
or did someone knows how to do this:
here is the main program.
this says to the class "kugel" where the "Stift" from the class should paint the "kugel".
how can i make the class to catch the hPosition(); and vPosition(); from the main programm??
Re: Java: BlueJ251
Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:34 pm
by 501st_commander
try a BlueJ251 forum. I dont think anyone here knows anything on this type program.