Favorite Utility applications

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Favorite Utility applications

Post by tsurugi13 »

I keep finding these, due to a penchant for tech blogs like lifehacker and downloadsquad, and felt the need to share. Utility apps can be any sort of application that helps you get things done faster, safer, easier, or prettier. A few of my favorites are

1. Rainmeter: a tiny little app that runs tiny little notification things. I use it to keep an eye on my CPU usage and temperature.

2. Circledock: very similar to what it sounds like. A VERY customizable little round dock to hold shortcuts and such.

3. Bumptop: this one needs a video to explain. CLICK. Basically (very basically) it's a 3D desktop, but an application too. It has physics. :)

4. CCleaner: A small application that clears out unnecessary junk from your hard drive, such as temporary files and internet caches. First time I ran it I cleared out 4 gb. Also has a registry fixer and startup program editor, as well as a remove program list similar to windows's, minus the waiting.

5. Recuva: File recovery application, and a lifesaver. The other day I accidentally deleted the hl2.exe in Counter Strike: Source, and then emptied the recycle bin. :faint: It would take too long to explain how I managed that, but Recuva found it hidden away in my hard drive and recovered it. Yay!

If you'd like to try any of these, :google:
That's it for mine, does anyone else have favorite utilities? If this thread needs to be moved or locked any resident mods are welcome to.
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