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This thing called VirusDoctor...

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:55 pm
by redgroupclan
I was searching through looking for a tab to a song I wanted to learn the intro for, and when I went to page 8 of the search results for the song this thing called "VirusDoctor - Online Protection" took over the tab and like showed pictures of my stuff like Hard Drives, My Documents, and Shared Documents and the pictures had blinking red text next to them saying that the file it was next to had so-so many viruses. When I tried to move the window showing all the viruses I supposedly had, the thing would come up with a downloader that was trying to download a virus onto my computer. Norton history says it was called "Downloader.MisleadApp" and it was classified under virus.
Is this thing real or was somebody trying to ooze their virusmatic fluids on me? Im running a Norton Custom Scan right now.

Re: This thing called VirusDoctor...

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:04 pm
by Maveritchell
That's spyware/adware/malware trying to install itself/get you to install it on your computer. Close the tab, run your antivirus program, and let it do its thing.

Re: This thing called VirusDoctor...

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:25 pm
by Valthero
If that happens again, don't click X or cancel or whatever, open Task Manager and end the process. Trust me, I've clicked cancel and had a virus download itself before. Your might want to consider getting better protection than Norton, though.

Re: This thing called VirusDoctor...

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:52 pm
by obiboba3po
kinda ironic you have fb open also ;) ive heard theres a nasty one coming around from there, ive almost gotten it a few times myself.

Re: This thing called VirusDoctor...

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:37 pm
by redgroupclan
But this thing came from Ultimate Guitar, as it took over the tab that I was looking for tab links on.