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Compressing Images?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:28 pm
by GangsterJawa
I was wondering: How do I compress images (i.e. to make it avatar-compatible)? Is there a certain program I use? Asked my older brother who thinks he's a know-it-all and he refused to tell me because, quote, I have "so much to learn. *sigh*"End quote.

Re: Compressing Images?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:56 pm
by Maveritchell
GangsterJawa wrote:I was wondering: How do I compress images (i.e. to make it avatar-compatible)? Is there a certain program I use? Asked my older brother who thinks he's a know-it-all and he refused to tell me because, quote, I have "so much to learn. *sigh*"End quote.
Hint: What he said was code for "oh crap I don't know I better save face and tell him to figure it out himself."

So don't feel too bad. What your brother didn't know was this:

The easiest way to reduce the filesize of an image is going to be reducing the actual physical size. Once you've done that, compression is really only set by the type of image you save as - jpeg is going to be the best for an avatar.

If you use Paint.NET or GIMP, reducing picture quality (which is the next thing you should do to reduce filesize) is easy, because you're given an option to save at a certain image quality when you save the file. Usually reducing the image's quality by just a little bit will be plenty to make it fit avatar requirements, once it's the right physical size.

Re: Compressing Images?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:10 pm
by GangsterJawa
Well, I opened it up in MS Paint, and it's now a decent filesize, but it lost it's animations. What now?
P.S. It doesn't make me feel bad or anything, you get used to it when you have 7 siblings. Now, he is the only older one, but I get off-topic...

Re: Compressing Images?

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:24 am
by Dohnutt
Upload the original image to Photobucket/Imageshack and I (or someone else) will resize it for you.
(Wait, that's what you want, right?)

Re: Compressing Images?

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:53 pm
by GangsterJawa
Well, the original had animations(my current one, bending over and waving its arms) and when I put them in paint, it lost the anims. So really I was wondering how to get an animation compressed. I suppose the title may have been misleading though.
EDIT: Oh snap, looks like I lost the files when deleting the demo. :oops: But I guess I figured out what I intended the topic for, so this can be locked.