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Help request for someone with Macromedia Flash

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:18 pm
by Caleb1117
Hey guys, if any of you have Macromedia Flash, could you please do me a five minute favor?
Supposedly in MF you can convert SWF files into Gif.
File >> Export >> Export Movie

Then name your file and select from the dropdown menu Animated GIF
Could someone do this for me please? ... design.swf

Thanks in advance.

Re: Help request for someone with Macromedia Flash

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:56 pm
by squipple
This swf is password protected, so it can't be imported to flash without having that password.
I ran it through a decompiler, however, and it came out with a black and white version of it.
Exporting to GIF gave probably some undesirable results, but here it is.