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How to install Roadkill properly

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:10 am
by DarthD.U.C.K.
since some people seem to have problems with that, here's a quick step-by-step tutorial:
1. download the proper python 2.6 version from here and install it

2. download the pythonwin-extension form here and install it

3. download roadkill from here and install it

4. download the roadkill XSI-plugin from the XSI FAQ-thread, paste it into XSI's pluginfolder (XSI_XXX\Application\Plugins) and doubleclick on it

5. launch XSI, now you should have the entry "Roadkill" in the get>property>textureprojection

6. enjoy roadkill!

if you get an error about not finding roadkill when using the new entry, rightcklick on it, choose "Edit with pythonwin" and change the path in this line

Code: Select all

oCus.AddParameter2("RoadKillLocation", constants.siString,"C:\\Programme\\RoadKill\\RoadKill1_1.exe", 0,0,0,0,  false, false, "Roadkill Path" )
to the location you installed roadkill to

Re: How to install roadkill properly

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:05 pm
by IndianaJoe
um, i don't know if this is the error you already told us how to fix, but when i click 'roadkill" it says: " OLE error 0x80020101" at the bottom, what is this?

Re: How to install roadkill properly

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:28 pm
by DarthD.U.C.K.
according to AceMasterminds post here roadkill doenst work with the free XSI modtools, youll have to export the mesh as an obj (and disconnetc the edges you want to be seams on the UV) and manually import it into roadkill and unwrap it there

Re: How to install roadkill properly

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:38 pm
by FragMe!
You will also get that error if you are using the addon obj importer/exporter (not the one that comes natively with Foundations) Even on a manual export I have to use the default obj exporter to be able to open it in roadkill. If I try to use the plugin version roadkill doesn't recognise the file.

Re: How to install roadkill properly

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:09 pm
by DarthD.U.C.K.
hmh, sometime i get that error when i use roadkill interactively and then close it

Re: How to install Roadkill properly

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:52 pm
by AceMastermind
Here's an image of the important parts of Kim's former Roadkill for XSI Plugin web page:
Here's a download to an archive I assembled containing everything you need to get the Roadkill plugin working:

What's in the archive?
  • The Roadkill application
  • The Roadkill plugin for XSI (not compatible with Mod Tool)
  • Python*
*The python version included in the download is what I use and works fine on XP 32bit, you may need to use a different one if your OS is different, check with the python website.

If by any chance you have the wavefrontconvwin32v32.xsiaddon installed for XSI then you'll need to remove this before attempting to use the Roadkill plugin since it will conflict with the native obj importer/exporter required to transfer data between XSI and Roadkill.

Introduction to RoadKill UV

RoadKill UV Tutorial
At around 22:37 is an explanation of how to overcome one of the quirks of the Roadkill application regarding UV symmetry first mentioned at around 19:30.

*changing the link in the FAQ thread to point to this topic for the Roadkill XSI plugin since Kim's site was taken down*

UPDATE July 6, 2010
Kim Aldis' original XSI Roadkill plugin doesn't work with the free Softimage Mod Tool 7.5, but Janosch has released a modified version of it for Mod Tool 7.5, you can get it HERE
Here's a video of it in use:

Softimage Mod Tool 7.5 shipped with native obj export disabled, but Janosch released an obj exporter xsiaddon which restores it, you can get it HERE.

Roadkill UV Unwrapping Tool plugin for Softimage

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:34 pm
by giftheck
One of Softimage's biggest drawbacks as far as its texture editing tools go is the inability to cut, sew and unfold UVs. It's something that's present both in Maya (which is extremely expensive) and Blender (which has not got full MSH export support right now).

Roadkill is an external app that deals with UV editing and includes these tools. This link also includes the xsiaddon plugin needed to get it working with your Softimage projects.

It works with Mod Tool and should also work with Softimage 2015.

You can download it here: ... modtool-75