[quote="ZenAsset.log"]-- Processing directory H:\BF2_ModTools\data_ME5\Animations\SoldierAnimationBank\heavypistol
Processing file basepose.msh, will save in .\\\heavypistol.zaf
*** WARNING: Skin model segment 0 has too many/few vert colors?
*** WARNING: Skin model segment 0 has too many/few vert colors?
*** WARNING: Skin model segment 0 has too many/few vert weights?
*** WARNING: Skin model segment 0 has too many/few UVs?
*** WARNING: Skin model segment 0 has too many/few vert colors?
*** WARNING: Skin model segment 0 has too many/few vert weights?
*** WARNING: Skin model segment 0 has too many/few vert colors?
*** WARNING: Skin model segment 0 has too many/few vert weights?
*** WARNING: Skin model segment 0 has too many/few UVs?
*** WARNING: Skin model segment 0 has too many/few vert colors?
*** WARNING: Skin model segment 0 has too many/few vert weights?
*** WARNING: Skin model segment 0 has too many/few vert colors?
*** WARNING: Skin model segment 0 has too many/few vert weights?
*** WARNING: Skin model segment 0 has too many/few vert colors?
.*** WARNING: Animation <heavypistol_pistol_crouchalert_idle_emote_upper> has a framerate <29.970030> that isn't 30fps. Framerate correction code has not been done yet
.*** WARNING: Animation <heavypistol_pistol_crouch_idle_emote_upper> has a framerate <29.970030> that isn't 30fps. Framerate correction code has not been done yet
..*** WARNING: Animation <heavypistol_pistol_crouch_shoot_secondary> has a framerate <29.970030> that isn't 30fps. Framerate correction code has not been done yet
..*** WARNING: Animation <heavypistol_pistol_crouch_shoot_upper> has a framerate <29.970030> that isn't 30fps. Framerate correction code has not been done yet
.*** WARNING: Animation <heavypistol_pistol_standalert_idle_emote_upper> has a framerate <29.970030> that isn't 30fps. Framerate correction code has not been done yet
.*** WARNING: Animation <heavypistol_pistol_standalert_runforward_upper> has a framerate <29.970030> that isn't 30fps. Framerate correction code has not been done yet
.*** WARNING: Animation <heavypistol_pistol_stand_idle_emote_upper> has a framerate <29.970030> that isn't 30fps. Framerate correction code has not been done yet
..*** WARNING: Animation <heavypistol_pistol_stand_runforward_upper> has a framerate <29.970030> that isn't 30fps. Framerate correction code has not been done yet
.*** WARNING: Animation <heavypistol_pistol_stand_shoot_secondary> has a framerate <29.970030> that isn't 30fps. Framerate correction code has not been done yet
..*** WARNING: Animation <heavypistol_pistol_stand_shoot_upper> has a framerate <29.970030> that isn't 30fps. Framerate correction code has not been done yet
..*** WARNING: Animation <heavypistol_rifle_crouch_shoot_secondary> has a framerate <29.970030> that isn't 30fps. Framerate correction code has not been done yet
..*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x43443be5> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0xd12d36d1> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x9b90d3af> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0xbc09665b> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0xbda966cd> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0xe354d72a> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0xae615d48> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x89f8e8bc> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0xcd7c235e> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x485e0235> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0xde9cb66> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x28d40609> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0xe5fe3854> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x6b7a69a0> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x573fe84> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x76239dfb> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x71ffd25f> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x11120f0b> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0xab7d5caa> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x5dd91007> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x33d08723> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x4080e45c> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0xc2790c8d> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x24e381ec> not found in basepose.
*** ERROR: For anim <fullanimation>, joint with CRC <0x9e8cd24d> not found in basepose.
.*** WARNING: Animation <heavypistol_rifle_stand_shoot_secondary> has a framerate <29.970030> that isn't 30fps. Framerate correction code has not been done yet
*** ERROR: Exiting because of error(s) processing animations.