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Star Wars Battlefront: Last Hope (Bespin: Sky Battle)

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:47 pm
by Delta327
Link: ...

Bugs: GCW will crash because i havent started on it.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront: Last Hope (Bespin: Sky Battle)

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 4:11 pm
by tehShocktroopa
Nice job, but I can't wait to see GCW.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront: Last Hope (Bespin: Sky Battle)

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 3:37 am
by xezene
Honestly? Pretty great. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did -- I played as Republic side and really enjoyed the whole thing. It was intense the entire time, only at the very, very end did I finally manage to capture all the command posts. I will have to play as CIS as that looked fun too. I like the little additions like the vocal changes -- what all did you add/change? Also, I did notice that from time to time, frame rate slowed -- perhaps due to the large vessels -- but overall
it didn't hinder gameplay. Good work.

Edit: okay, I played as the CIS. Nice new sound work with the droid guns. However, I did find a significant problem. Both Dooku and Grievous can't hit anyone with their lightsabers. It's as if there is no impact, there is no damage or reaction or anything. The Republic Jedi on the other hand seem to be working normally.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront: Last Hope (Bespin: Sky Battle)

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:47 am
by Delta327
Yea ive been having that problem with the jedi for some reason i have no idea what is wrong with it. I will try to fix it.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront: Last Hope (Bespin: Sky Battle)

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:10 pm
by MikeTheBeast55
Definitely a really great map so far that is still in its BETA stage however I noticed two minor bugs when I first started to play. One is the name localization meaning some units do not have an appropriate name and something else was floating icons. Besides these two small things that you will most likely fix in the future, a pretty fun and well made map so far.

EDIT: Also forgot to mention that the turrets you can enter say, "THIS IS A BUG REPORT ME" instead of saying their actual turret name.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront: Last Hope (Bespin: Sky Battle)

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:19 pm
by Delta327
MikeTheBeast55 wrote:Definitely a really great map so far that is still in its BETA stage however I noticed two minor bugs when I first started to play. One is the name localization meaning some units do not have an appropriate name and something else was floating icons. Besides these two small things that you will most likely fix in the future, a pretty fun and well made map so far.

EDIT: Also forgot to mention that the turrets you can enter say, "THIS IS A BUG REPORT ME" instead of saying their actual turret name.
I fixed the unit names but i forgot to rename the AAA gun. Thank you for reminding me