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Kashyyyk: Forest Path (Alpha)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 5:05 pm
by ARCTroopaNate
This was my first map. Unfortunately, due to still unresolved crashes I had to stop working on this in 2012. I managed to get a playable Alpha test out, this is that test.

WIP here: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=26430

This was my first map. Unfortunately, due to still unresolved crashes I had to stop working on this in 2012.
I managed to get a playable Alpha test out, this is that test.

To install, simply put the KFP folder in your addon folder.

AceMastermind (Grievous, Magnaguard, Star Wars: The Clone Wars Assets)
Aluigi (Star Wars: The Clone Wars Assets)
Caleb 1117 (Underhand Chaingun)
Conversion Pack Team (Crix Madine)
DarthD.U.C.K. (Battle Droid Backpack, Knife)
Dragonum (DC-15s Side Arm)
Fragme! (Vader)
Icemember (Phase 1 Dark Trooper)
Kinetosimpetus (DH-17, DL-44)
L5R (Knife)
MasterSaitek009 (Melee Attack)
NeoMarz (Clone Commandos, Vader)
Qdin (DC-15S Carbine, DC-17m ICWS)
Ravensoft (Trandoshan)
Seraja (ACP Array Gun)
Syth (Underhand Chaingun)
Taivyx (AK-47)
Vyse (Vibrosword)

Beta Testers

Special Thanks
Marth8880 and Noobasaurus - For sending me a copy of this Alpha so it could be released after I deleted files
Pandemic - For this lovely game

- ARCTroopaNate
Download Link ... path-alpha

Re: Kashyyyk: Forest Path (Alpha)

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 12:08 am
by rc1207sev
Well, I have a few comments for this map
Initial thoughts:
It feels so empty. Not even the CP's had landmarks or cover spots of any significance
Very open, and not much to see, or do, but it's a looooooong walk. The terrain and fog didn't do much to fix it, either

Comments on the battles
Clone Wars:
Playing as Republic:
  1. I wasted 4 or 5 lives just to move up one class, and even then, I still got killed easily
  • It was very frustrating to walk such a long way and die so easily
  • Magnaguards, SBD's and Droidekas were all too overpowered. An experienced player should not be killed in a 1 on 1 battle with any NPC. The heroes had less health than those droids
  • The Commandos felt like they were just balanced. It wasn't very fun because there's not too many units around to kill, and you still get killed easily
Playing as Droids:
  1. It was easy and boring. Every clone I encountered was in a BARC or AT-RT, and I just shot them out of their seats
  • Playing as an SBD isn't fun because of how open the map is and how slow they are
  • Magnaguards can just go on a killing spree. It didn't feel very fun though, clones died too easily and Wookies were just tanks that posed no significant challenge, only the long, monotonous time to kill them.
Galactic Civil War:
  1. I couldn't even kill a stormtrooper
  • I died so easy
  • Even when I got to better classes, I died so easy
  • The "better" classes were not any better or more efficient in anything
  1. Absolute domination as a stormtrooper
  • Nobody posed a threat
  • Phase I darktrooper was the only fun/efficient darktrooper; they killed everything and were virtually invincible with the recharging shield. The other darktroopers were way too slow, and didn't even have jump packs
  • Again, it's too overpowered
Some technical stuff/easy fixes:
  1. Magnaguards shouldn't jump that high
  • The commandos didn't have any weapons visible in 1st person
Some suggestions:
  1. Please, please, please balance the sides. Make sure an experienced player can accomplish things in EVERY class.
  • Don't go crazy on unit's health, unit's damage, or shields. At least slow the recharge and health of them, it was really annoying.
  • Make some more command posts, more buildings, environments, anything. Slapping new units and vehicles in doesn't make it fun. Everything was an unrewarding, long walk and it took way too much time to do anything. Put things closer to each other or put CP's in between places so nobody has to go through that long walk again
  1. Raise your unit count if the map's this big.
  • The CP's feel meaningless. They're just there in the "forest". Look at Endor: each CP had a building or group of fallen trees and rocks, and it had some sense of that CP could actually be a regroup point for the army
  • Draw out your map plan. Where are the CP's? What's going to go in the CP's to provide cover or be a sort of base?
Final Word:
It feels like you barely tested this thing. Turn on unending map and test every class. Make sure there aren't any bugs. Make sure things aren't too easy/too hard, and fix them. Make sure nothing's too long of a walk. This map and these sides have potential for fun, you just have to make sure YOU have fun.

Re: Kashyyyk: Forest Path (Alpha)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 3:11 pm
by MikeTheBeast55
Looks fairly interesting because of the new sides but I feel the map could have used some more CP's or the CP's being closer to one another. I kind of feel the map still resembles Yavin to me a little bit because of the ground and some of the surrounding environment. I know this is your first map but I feel their could have been a few problems with the map that could be resolved fairly easily. Still was a nice attempt ARCTroopaNate, still love your other side mods and era mods you have worked on, a big fan of them!

Re: Kashyyyk: Forest Path (Alpha)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 3:46 pm
by ARCTroopaNate
Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback. Would just like to point out that the fairly easily resolved stuff *couldn't* be resolved because the map started randomly crashing in 2012 and I wasn't able to find a fix. Unfortunately I wasn't able to see the project through to a satisfiable conclusion.