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Christophsis v1.0

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 1:07 pm
by Skywalker23
Hi people! i am new in this of modding, this is my first map, well, if you have any recommendation, tell me!

















Download Link:

The credits of all peopleĀ“s models etc, THANKS FOR ALL OF THIS PEOPLE:

-LucasArt For Star Wars Battlefront II Mod Tools
-The page and comunity of Gametoast and Moddb
-jedimoose32 For Tutorials basics of modding
-Darth_Magnus For give me the link of Gametoast
-Bandu and ForceMaster for the Christophsis Assets
-ForceMaster for TCW Tridroid and TCW Clone Pack 1.0
-Deviss for Dwarf Spider Droid 1.0, B1 Battledroid 1.0 and Tactical Droid 1.0
-DarthDUCK for Double weapon basepose + animations
-kinetosimpetus for the dc15a_anim
-Syth for BFP Model Pack
-droideka88 for the skin of Droideka-1

Re: Christophsis v1.0

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:17 pm
by Kingpin
Looks cool! The units look nice, however I might suggest you add some props for cover around the map, as well as change the sky and lighting. Great first attempt!

Re: Christophsis v1.0

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:48 pm
by MikeTheBeast55
Kingpin wrote:I might suggest you add some props for cover around the map, as well as change the sky and lighting.
I second what KingPin said here! I enjoy the effort and time put into this map so far and it makes for a good Version 1.0 for the map. I might suggest try and make sure that this is not a copy and paste of the map ForceMaster did just to show you got some fresh ideas for your map. Other than what KingPin suggested and the small criticism I gave you, good luck with the rest of this map unless this is the final version!

Re: Christophsis v1.0

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 7:52 pm
by Delta327
Nice maps, but you might want to change the sky

Re: Christophsis v1.0

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:16 am
by SkinnyODST
First off, welcome to the modding community!

Alright, now the map.

This is a great start! However there are some things I noticed after playing it.

1. I don`t think you placed barriers around those transparent blue cover areas, the AI seemed to try and walk through them.

2. The Republic lost, I think there are some balancing issues, mainly due to the fact that the CIS have powerful vehicles and all the Republic have some hard to control turrets. I understand you`ve tried to make it movie accurate and that`s great! But I`m sure there`s ways you can help the Republic win in ways other than giving them vehicles.

3. The map feels very empty, take Kingpin`s advice and add some more objects to the map.

Something I thought would be cool to see is some cross roads, multiple Command Posts all across the city all linking to each other. The map is too small for my liking, making it bigger would only make it more movie accurate and more fun, but also allow you to do some really cool things with it! Such as of course making some cross roads linking multiple areas of the map together, but also maybe even placing bridges over the main battle area where you can flank the enemy, like the way the Battlefront 1 map "Bespin" did.

Overall, this is a great first map and the new sides are very good! I hope you can take these ideas from me and other people here into consideration, who knows, maybe I might make a video on it.....

Re: Christophsis v1.0

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:23 pm
by KeivanMereel
Played this last night, and I really liked it, and think this is really good for a first map. I enjoy the simplicity as it forces teamwork. There's so many troopers exposed that I found that the CIS vehicles would go right past me when behind cover and I'd be able to peg them with a rocket. Still haven't won as the Republic yet though, but that doesn't bug me yet. Looks great and hope to see more from you!

Re: Christophsis v1.0

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 8:37 pm
by rc1207sev
Good map for a 1st and a 1.0 version. I suggest you add award weapons for the clones OR you can disable the weapons being locked from your inventory after an award. You can do that by finding the weapon's odf and finding this line:

MedalsTypeToLock = [#]

I've found it works if you change this to -1, or you can try deleting the line (not sure if that works)

Re: Christophsis v1.0

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:19 pm
by Raigiku
I found a major issue which is that the little spider droids don't fire and if you try to get in it crashes the game completely. Give the odf of the vehicle a different weapon, I've been modifying that little droid too and that was the thing that fixed it for me. Good luck!