This is the 2016 version 1.0 of my old "The Old Republic" era mod for battlefront II, remade from scratch.
It is based on "the old republic" game and CGI trailers by Bioware. I hope you'll enjoy this remastered version of - probably - my most succesful mod. -Delta-1033
ReadMe! (how to install - mod info - credits)
\\\\\\\\\\\\\ THE OLD REPUBLIC REMASTERED \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Thank you for downloading this mod made by me, Delta-1035.
This is the 2016 version 1.0 of my old "The Old Republic" era mod for battlefront II, remade from scratch.
I hope you'll enjoy this remastered version of - probably - my most succesful mod.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ HOW TO INSTALL \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Unzip the "TOR" folder in your "[...]Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\addon" folder.
Be sure to have the unofficial 1.3 patch for bfII, otherwise the new era will not show up and you will not be able to play
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ MOD INFO \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
The Old Republic "Remastered" v1.0 playable game modes:
-conquest on all the vanilla bf2 maps (exept for Geonosis and Hoth for now)
-hero assault on Mos Eisley.
-conquest on the custom map "Honogh: Crash site" made by
Each side has 4 basic units (rifleman, rocketeer, sniper & support); 2 special units and a hero unit available on every map.
Most of the weapons are inspired to the new EA's battlefront - no reload, overheat only.
On each map you'll be able to play as the old Republic army vs the Sith Empire army and their respective heroes.
-DEV: jace malcom kitbash, westar rifle, vanguard base model, bounty hunter model, jedi temple guard model
-kinetosimpetuos: stand & fire rifle animations, dl18 pistol
-sereja: imperial & bounty hunter blaster rifle model, indiana jones model
-AQT: sith trooper kitbash & skin base
-icemember: havoc trooper model
-Lephenix: rep & imp CP icons
-DarthD.U.C.K.: proximity bomb model & texture, animation munge tutorial
-RepSharpshooter: hexedit capes tutorial
-VF501: underhand chaingun
-DarthSpiderPig: jace malcom's rifle model & texture
-Hebes24: orbital strike assets
-Sophie Kirschner: mshedit program
-archer01: hero support script
-Gametoast forums and community
-Pandemic & LucasArts: swbfII & modtools
-the guys who played the BETA of October - even if they just asked for assets! lol
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ D E L T A - 1 0 3 5 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Images can be found on the moddb page - I'm to lazy to upload them again